How to get rid of split ends in 6 steps (without cutting your hair)!

Split ends - also known as tricoptilosis - represent one of the most annoying hair blemishes; this alteration of the shaft, particularly frequent in women with medium-long hair, is characterized by the fact that the terminal part of the hair is forked.

But how to eliminate split ends in a soft way, without having to resort to the dreaded scissors? It is not a dream, but it is possible to do it using the right products, designed to repair the micro-fractures suffered by the hair and which usually include amino acids related to keratin, proteins of vegetable origin, minerals and vitamins among their ingredients. Split ends are thus sealed and eliminated.

But why do split ends form? Basically we can say that the more fragile, fine, weakened the hair is, the easier it is for it to fork. There are also behaviors, often common - including the exaggerated and too vigorous use of the brush - which significantly contribute to accelerating the formation process of split ends.

Whether it is thermal injuries, due to excessive use of hair dryers, straighteners and curling irons, or in the case of chemical injuries, due to coloring, bleaching, straightening and permanent treatments, the result is the same: dull hair, easy to break, resulting in the appearance of double (sometimes even triple) ends.

Now that we know what they are, how and why they are formed, let's see how to eliminate split ends for long and full-bodied hair always at the top!

See also

Split ends: natural and DIY remedies, without cutting your hair!

Split ends: causes, remedies and how to prevent them

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1. Comb your hair before washing

You know, wet hair is more fragile: so avoid brushing it immediately after washing it, but do it first! Comb them gently and carefully before taking a shower, preferably with a wide-toothed comb.

Instead, avoid brushes, which are decidedly more aggressive and able to break hair more easily. The right procedure requires that you start from the tips themselves and then go upwards until all the knots are untied.
Once washed it will be much easier to untangle them - with your fingers and without rubbing them too much - and there will be no tangles.

2. Do not rub your hair, but gently pat it dry!

As anticipated, after washing them, the hair should not be rubbed too much with the intention of eliminating excess water. Just pat them gently using a clean towel, even better if made of microfiber, a material that minimizes friction and frizz.

3. Choose the right product!

To eliminate split ends there are products specially designed for this purpose. One of the latest launched on the market by L "Oréal Paris Laboratories belongs to the Dream Long range, designed for long and damaged hair, and is called Crema Bye Bye Spuntatina.

Thanks to its formula enriched with vegetable Keratin, Vitamins PP and B5 and Repairing Oil, this cream is perfect for nourishing and repairing hair up to the ends, leaving it stronger without weighing it down. It is a latest generation no-rinse treatment that acts directly on damaged fibers, wrapping the cuticles for a double result: sealing split ends and strengthening lengths.

In addition to its repairing action, the Bye Bye Spuntatina Cream is perfect to be used just before the hair dryer or straightener, because it offers protection from heat up to 180 ° C and thanks to its light formula, it is absorbed instantly without weighing down the lengths.

Use after use, your split ends will appear sealed and the fibers repaired: seeing is believing!

© L "Oréal Paris

4. Limit the use of the hair dryer or avoid too high temperatures

Air drying your hair would be ideal, always. But if in winter the procedure risks making us sick and is not properly recommended, when it starts to get hot we can consider this option that does not stress the shafts and ends and allows the hair not to be subjected to damage from mechanical heat.

However, if you don't know how to give up the hair dryer, at least make sure you don't keep it too attached to your head and don't use too high temperatures: a correct use of this tool can undoubtedly help make your lengths healthier.

If you also use straighteners and irons in addition to the hair dryer, make sure you distribute a good thermal protective treatment on your hair, such as the Bye Bye Spuntantina Dream Long Cream, which protects without weighing down or sticking!

5. Gather your hair into fluffy hairstyles

Do you like to wear your long hair tied up? Of course, the crops are always glamorous and also very comfortable in hot weather, but make sure you use elastic bands or soft clips, perfect the spiral ones that do not break the shafts and do not damage the hair fibers.

In this gallery many ideas for a soft and simple crop, which will give you a sophisticated look but which will not jeopardize the health and beauty of your hair.

See also: Collected hair: soft, sideways, simple. All the hairstyles to copy!

© Pinterest Collected hair: all the most beautiful and original summer hairstyles

6. Use a pillow with a silk cover

It is estimated that we spend about 1/3 of our life sleeping. Which means that around 30 years of age, the time spent dozing is equivalent to a decade!

Sleep is certainly an important phase, because it allows our body to regain its strength and regenerate itself, but also the night beauty routine it is not to be underestimated, starting with the hair. To this end, to avoid frizz, limit excessive rubbing and the fragility of the tips, choose satin or silk covers for your pillows and avoid cotton instead. Your hair will be more beautiful and you will also be much more comfortable!

In collaboration with Elvive

And speaking of good sleep, find out in this video how much you should sleep based on your zodiac sign.

Tags:  In Shape Horoscope Old-Luxury