How to disinfect the masks in the Coronavirus emergency?

The masks are now part (at least for now) of our daily life. We have learned to convince ourselves, we have understood that they are essential for our safety. But you can disinfect them without stress and effort! By continuing to read you will find out how! And if sometimes they bother you, try to think about how useful they are: a bit like the bra! Watch the video and find out why in the end it is better not to do without them!

How to disinfect the masks: depends on the type used

Not all masks can be reused and therefore it is useless to disinfect them. Surgical masks, even if some think differently, are not disinfectable. Their triple layer tends to deform with breathing and washing and loses its effectiveness. On the other hand, the masks with the KN95, FFP2 or FFP3 filter are not reusable, if there is the initials NR on the instructions; they are, if there is only R. These masks can be disinfected by spraying a 70% alcohol hydroalcoholic solution with a spray. In about an hour the alcohol evaporates and the mask can be reused. The percentage must not be lower or higher than 70%, otherwise it loses its effectiveness. The cotton masks can be disinfected and washed in the washing machine at 60 ° with a disinfectant and sanitizing soap.

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The masks should not be disinfected either in the oven, nor in the microwave, nor in the fridge, nor with bleach (residual vapors could be dangerous). Although everyone uses it every day, the mask, the most valid means of anticovid prevention, is still the subject of debate and opposing arguments. Since fabric masks were admitted by the WHO many have used and reused them. It should be borne in mind that an excessive amount of water, disinfectants and detergents could deteriorate the fabric, rendering them ineffective.
According to the indications of the Ministry of Health, only those made of material resistant to washing at 60 ° and not used in contact with infected patients or in hospital environments can be washed. If they are washed by hand, you can fill a basin with very hot water and a teaspoon of detergent. They can be rinsed in either hot or cold water and spread out in the sun. Once dry, they should be stored in a clean container or sachet until the next reuse. Disposable masks in fiber other than fabric, i.e. surgical or KN95 and N95. The hot sterilization process, which should be subjected to be reused, is very difficult to carry out in a home environment.

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Disinfection of masks: surgical, Ffp2, Ffp3, in fabric

The Ffp2 masks are recommended above all for healthcare personnel, who often use the most protective Ffp3, and for those who are in closed and crowded environments, therefore in a very risky situation; the filtering power at the outlet and for the wearer goes over 90%, while the surgical ones reach a maximum of 20%. Even the Ffp2 masks should be used for a maximum of seven or eight hours in a row and then thrown like the surgical ones in the undifferentiated, but they can also be sanitized. The surgical mask is the most used, it is available in pharmacies, it is suitable for any activity daily, from shopping to going to work. It effectively reduces the possibility of contagion only if everyone uses it according to the instructions. Its filtering property is mainly exerted towards the outside; therefore it should be used by all those with whom it comes into contact.

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Useful and effective products to sterilize masks:

Refreshing Sanitizing Spray Masks - special offer on Amazon
Germicide for Masks - available on Amazon at a special price
UV sterilizer, disinfection lamp - you can find it on offer on Amazon

Disinfection of masks: those in fabric with certified filters

Today, since many companies have started producing ergonomic cloth masks and with certified filters, it is advisable to buy them since they offer equal protection and safety and are more comfortable and hypoallergenic than surgical ones, as well as being reusable after washing according to law. They can be found in pharmacies or online. The masks must completely cover the mouth and nose and reach under the chin. Air should only pass through the mask. Before wearing it, you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water or a hydroalcoholic solution. Then you have to make sure that it fits snugly to your face and avoid touching it while using it. In addition, it should be changed as soon as it feels damp and when it is believed that it has come into contact with probably contaminated objects.

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