How to widen your shoes: the infallible do-it-yourself remedies to try right away

You just bought your dream shoes and you feel in seventh heaven. Your number was probably not there but even if they are a number less, what does it matter? They look great on you and then they're on sale! It all looks great until the moment that those shoes you really have to wear them. Quickly said: they are tight on you, they hurt you, they are uncomfortable. Ah, if only they were a little bit wider! Do not despair because there is a way to enlarge your new shoes, indeed there is more than one. Are you ready to discover them all? Life on heels is hard already, you can't even have tight shoes!

The shoemaker is the last resort to widen your too tight shoes. Before you take your shoes to the cobbler who will use a shoe expander spray, you can try one of these three great DIY remedies. Easy and foolproof. You just have to try the one that best suits your case and the type of shoe to be enlarged. By continuing to read, you will discover some tried and tested home remedies but first feast your eyes on the most beautiful shoes to buy on sale (alert: only if your number is there!).

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How to choose the perfect heels for you: 18 models!

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© Asos Glamorous gold sandal

Buy what you need online

How many times have you bought a pair of shoes of a smaller size because in your heart you were hoping that over time the shoes would widen? In fact, there is a way to do this, which consists precisely in wearing shoes gradually, for ten minutes a day no more to avoid the formation of blisters. A good way is to wear socks: this way the shoes will stretch. But if you are short on time and you don't want to resort to the shoemaker who could solve the problem with a shoe expander spray or with a wooden last, the shoe tree, then you just have to try one of our do-it-yourself remedies! Or if you are a fan of compulsive shopping, you can buy your personal shoe tree online: it costs about 20 euros and you can easily amortize the expense. Similarly, you can purchase a shoe expander spray to spray directly on your shoes that are too tight to fix the problem quickly.

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How to widen suede shoes

Suede shoes and those made of soft materials widen with the hairdryer. The heat causes the skin to sag. Just heat the shoe a little at a time until it is comfortable and repeat the operation if necessary. After widening your shoes, brush them carefully to make them shine better! You can also wear them (with thick socks) and blow dry them while wearing them until they stretch out.

How to widen the most resistant shoes

What you will need to enlarge shoes made of resistant materials are sheets of newspaper, water or alcohol. You can roll up the newspapers by wetting them with water or alcohol (be careful if you choose alcohol it is more effective but it could stain the skin that is too delicate). The newspaper sheets should be left in the shoes for a whole night.

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How to make canvas shoes wider

What you need to stretch canvas shoes is just water and food bags. The bags must be filled with water and inserted inside the shoes. At this point take an envelope and insert inside the shoe to be enlarged. Place the shoe in the freezer for a few hours. The freezer will transform the water into ice and by increasing the volume it will widen the shoe. After a few hours, let the bag thaw and let the shoe dry (even better if without bringing it close to a heat source). Canvas and running shoes are by far the easiest to stretch!

How to widen the boots

The advice you are about to discover is an old trick particularly dear to cowboys who used it to widen their boots in which. Boots should be filled with grains of wheat or oats. Just add a little water so that the cereals swell and leave to act overnight. Another home remedy is to use a potato. The potato method is also suitable for leather shoes. Peel a large potato, dry it carefully with a napkin and insert it inside the boot to be widened or in the narrow shoe.
Patient all night and then try the shoe in the morning: magic! Surely your shoe will be wider and your foot will already be more comfortable, but if you still need to widen it further, repeat the operation to enhance the result.

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