Cat cystitis: a painful urinary tract problem for your kitty

A house with a cat is a more beautiful house (and let's not talk about those with more than one cat!) Taking care of our four-legged friends is essential as well as learning to recognize the small ailments that can happen to dogs and cats. Like cystitis in cats: a frequent pathology not to be underestimated. Discover many other curiosities about these beautiful cats by watching the video we have selected for you!

Causes of cat cystitis: infections, trauma, stress, nutrition

There are various triggers of cystitis, a pathology that inflames the lower urinary tract. These can be bacterial infections in the urine or intestines, urethral obstructions, toxic and irritating substances, medicines, trauma, hormonal problems, diabetes and poor nutrition. Although rarely the disease can also be caused by FIV and FELV infections or by tumors. The disorder could expand, inflaming the entire urinary tract, especially when it is accompanied by the formation of painful stones. A different form of cystitis is that which apparently has no precise cause and mainly affects neutered or slightly obese cats, who do not often go outside and live in houses without terraces, pet toys, stairs, roofs or a small garden that can motivate them to climb or chase something in the grass. In short, when it comes to sedentary cats in the living room, perhaps like their masters. This form is called idiopathic or interstitial cystitis.

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Idiopathic or interstitial cystitis in cats (FIC)

The cause of feline idiopathic cystitis (FIC) is not known: in fact, idiopathic is said to be a disease whose cause is not known. However, it is believed that stress plays a fundamental role in its onset and aggravation. Triggers are environments that are not stimulating to movement, contrasts with other cohabiting felines and changes of residence. The pheromone, from the Greek: pherein (to transfer) and hormon (excitement), is a glandular secretion which, when it comes out, becomes a means of olfactory communication, a message between living beings, which causes reactions in humans and in other mammals, reptiles , fish, insects. Among its most important functions is the recognition of members of the same species, that between parents and children, sexual choice or a feeling of danger, with changes in behavior. Pheromones can reduce stress, helping your cat find greater peace of mind. There are also specific supplements for the treatment of this cystitis, including natural ones based on aquarium plants, which stimulate your feline to drink and urinate, washing the bladder.

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Symptoms of cat cystitis and complications

When cats have cystitis, they usually feel the frequent need to urinate, even if they only expel a few drops. Not infrequently you can detect traces of blood in the urine, cleaning the litter of the litter. The cat often meows in pain when urinating, or refuses to use its toilet kit, linking it to pain experienced while urinating. Cystitis can make it very difficult and painful to urinate and even lead to a urinary blockage. But the symptoms are not always so obvious. Sometimes your cat manifests her discomfort with strange attitudes, becomes irritable, compulsively licks her private parts, eats less, or goes away. Only you who know your friend well can catch these encrypted symptoms. In summary, important signs are: meowing during urination, often carried out outside the litter box, intolerance to touch and abnormal agitation. These symptoms may pass within a few days or persist, worsening with alopecia from abdominal and sexual organ lapping, aggression or isolation, and anorexia. A complication of cat cystitis is stones. Urolithiasis is the formation of stones in the urinary tract. The stones that both cats and dogs usually produce are mostly struvite or calcium oxalate. In the first case, crystals of ammonium and magnesium phosphate are found in the urine. These stones also often lead to intense inflammation. The problem affects both the cat and the dog. As far as dogs are concerned, those of small size, females, neutered ones, the elderly and those not fed according to a correct diet are more predisposed. Your vet will perform a urinalysis of the cat to check for struvite crystals and any bacteria so that appropriate therapy can be arranged. If he wants to investigate further, he can prescribe an X-ray and an ultrasound to rule out the presence of polyps or neoplasms, precisely identify the primary cause of the problem and establish the cure. In case of blood in the urine and stones it is necessary the intervention of the veterinarian.

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Cat cystitis: therapies and remedies

Monitor your cat's behavior carefully, in order to report all symptoms to the vet, as his urinary tract is delicate, especially if neutered. In this way the doctor will be able to identify more easily the treatment to undergo it. To understand the causes of the problem, the veterinarian will prescribe urinalysis, preferably with cystocentesis sampling, with puncture directly in the bladder, to exclude bacterial or gravel causes, and an ultrasound of the urinary system. If there is a urinary blockage, he will empty the bladder with the catheter and, after the results of the tests, he will probably prescribe an antibacterial antibiotic or other suitable drugs. The pH of the urine and also the possibility of cystitis arise depend on the type of feeding of the cat. In fact, food is a very important element to avoid this problem. Therefore, it is necessary to control the cat's diet in order not to predispose it to an infection of the lower urinary tract. As far as therapies are concerned, some analgesics are not effective and also have side effects. Cat cystitis must be dealt with well if it is to be cured in a lasting way.To help him fight infection or stress cystitis, you must first sanitize the toilet boxes, placing them away from the food bowls, in a clean and quiet room. We recommend buying them in glass or porcelain rather than plastic. The water must be clean, without deposits, possibly flowing with simple water mechanisms. You can encourage his movement and counteract sedentary lifestyle with cabinets and ladders that allow him to get on and off, to play, obviously in sanitized places. The cat does not usually ingest a lot of water; it will therefore be necessary to make him take water with food rich in liquids, but also with specific foods to normalize the urinary system.

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Cat cystitis? A natural remedy

A substance, contained in the body of humans and animals, therefore endogenous, Palmitoylethanolamide PEA, administered in ultramicronized form, has the ability to decrease inflammation and pain even in cases of feline cystitis. Being a natural substance, it has no unwanted effects and you can integrate it into your cat's diet. If one of the triggers is feeding poor quality foods, which do not give the feline the opportunity to receive adequate hydration and sufficient nutrition from them, you must make them consume guaranteed, good quality foods that do not inflame the urinary tract. There are excellent, dietary and balanced ones on the market for cats subject to stones, to reduce the danger of new formations, and foods for specific problems, such as the health of the entire urinary tract of the cat. Try to make him drink a lot, as drinking a lot not only prevents cystitis, but it is a real therapy, because it washes the external mucous membranes, reducing inflammation and eliminating possible bacteria on the spot. In addition to keeping the litter box very clean and trying to solve the cat's stress problems, some natural remedy experts recommend giving the cat decoctions of mallow for a few days. These decoctions, as well as bearberry, greatly relieve inflammation of the urinary tract. Lactic ferments are also useful, as cystitis can often also depend on alterations in the intestinal flora.

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Useful tips for cat cystitis: lots of water, wet food, medical checks

Keep in mind that especially in the male cat, a blockage of urine could occur due to its physical conformation. During inflammation, cells are sometimes released from the walls of the bladder and mucus forms, which can block the flow of urine. After 24 hours without urinating, toxicosis and renal failure with serious outcomes could occur. In fact, if the urine does not escape for a long time, it returns to the kidneys, with serious toxic effects. The cat's urinary tract often undergoes pathologies. The set of symptoms of cat urinary tract diseases is defined as Feline Low Urinary Tract Disease. These syndromes require a radical change in the feline's lifestyle, otherwise it will face relapses. For the prevention of your cat's cystitis, first of all, give him fresh and healthy food; then, enough water, feeding it with wet food mixed with liquids, in order to dilute the urine. Recommended with an expert cat nutritionist to ensure a suitable and balanced diet, in order to prevent obesity and cystitis. Avoid stress: an environment not suitable for a feline causes him to become depressed, because it does not leave him free to express his instincts. Antidepressant drugs are often prescribed for cystitis: enliven his life with graduated shelves and ladders on which to climb; if you have other cats, arrange litter boxes for each of them; play with him to make him run. In this way, you also prevent weight gain, which is very harmful to your health. To make him lose weight, do not follow diets that increase carbohydrates, reduce the quantity, prepare nutritious foods, but easily digestible and that do not burden the kidneys. Don't forget to have your cat checked out periodically by the vet. This is certainly the best prevention. Cystitis in cats is a recurring problem, but usually can be solved in a short time, if you intervene early and go to the veterinarian if necessary.

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