Cara Delevingne: "Goodbye Michelle!" A new woman alongside the supermodel

A few weeks after leaving Michelle Rodriguez, it seems that Cara Delevingne has already comforted herself in the arms of another woman. The British supermodel was in fact immortalized in Cannes, in the company of a young French model, Aymeline Valade, with whom she indulged in rather intimate attitudes that seem to leave little doubt about the nature of their relationship.

After all, the interpreter of Avatar and the English model had said goodbye precisely because of Cara's lifestyle and too libertine temperament, which continually unleashed Michelle's jealousy. Is there a new love in the air for the gorgeous 22-year-old model? Now it's too early to say. We can't help but wait for the next rumors.

Cara Delevingne and Aymeline Valade, in the round the ex of the model, Michelle Rodriguez

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