Chamomile: a natural remedy for puffy eyes

Chamomile is a natural remedy for swollen eyes (a bit like cucumber). Known for its anti-irritant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties (which make it incredibly effective for treating conjunctivitis), it has a soothing function is soothing and helps reduce redness, irritation and swelling under the eyes.

In addition to being used for eye washes with drops, eyelid lotions and natural eye drops, it can be used for compresses with decongestant properties, which will relieve the feeling of heaviness after a tiring day. And you just need to use the filters of the normal sachets on the market!

Before discovering all the qualities of chamomile, here's how to prepare an excellent compress for bags under the eyes:

The properties of chamomile, a natural remedy for puffy eyes

Chamomile is a flower with multiple beneficial properties, widely used in herbal medicine for its anti-inflammatory and soothing qualities.

Not surprisingly, we are used to consume it as an infusion for its calming virtues, or in the form of mother tincture to treat swelling such as those in the gums, or in essential oil for skin diseases, from acne to itching and redness.

Since time immemorial, chamomile has also been an excellent beauty ingredient for its rejuvenating, toning and moisturizing effect.

Did you know, however, that chamomile is also very useful for our eyes? Its soothing power helps fight eye infections by relieving their symptoms. Or, alternatively, it is simply useful for reducing bags, puffiness and dark circles. A simple pack will suffice to immediately feel the skin around your eyes becoming softer, more relaxed and brighter!

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Chamomile pack with filters: sachets on swollen eyes

To prepare a simple chamomile pack for your puffy eyes, follow these instructions: a couple of simple filters will suffice!

  • Take a couple of chamomile tea bags (preferably organic) and infuse them in boiling water.
  • Let it rest until the sachets are warm.
  • Dip two cotton pads in the infusion and wrap them in gauze.
  • Rest on closed eyes and leave for 5-10 minutes.

Cold chamomile on swollen eyes: does it work?

Of course it works! Put the two chamomile tea bags in the fridge and, after letting them cool for at least half an hour, put them on your eyelids.

Keep them in place for no more than ten minutes, at most twice a day. This system will help you deflate the bags under the eyes and reduce dark circles.

Chamomile drops: eye wash

Boil a tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers in a cup of water. Leave the cup covered for five minutes, then strain and cool to room temperature.

Use the solution for rinsing, cleaning the eye outside and inside: repeat several times during the day and necessary.

Alternatively, in the pharmacy or herbalist's shop you can find chamomile eye drops: they have a humectant effect, soothe and refresh. They will be useful to relieve burning and redness due to pollution, but also to stress or excessive exposure to light sources.

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