Asexuality: when no gender can attract you

Asexuality is a psychological condition for which an individual does not feel any sexual drive or any attraction or desire for any person: in short, no sexual gender interests him and often he is not even fascinated by the idea of ​​masturbation! Sometimes psychological tensions and hidden fears, such as the fear of love, can be hidden behind asexuality.Philophobia is more widespread than you may believe: find out what this fear consists of by watching the video!

What is meant by the term asexuality

Asexuality is in fact sexual attraction to any gender. It can be linked (but not necessarily) to a complete lack of interest in sex. Asexuality is in any case included among the possible orientations of the sexual community even though it was previously classified as "lack of a true sexual orientation". Currently, asexual individuals are 1% of the population. However, we must not confuse asexuality with chastity or abstention from sex: behind a renunciation there can be many different reasons, such as moral or religious causes that have nothing to do with the lack of attraction to whatever gender we are talking about, for them sex is not a part of life, it is not interesting, it is something to do without.
"Asexuality continues over time: it is not a renunciation but a characteristic that distinguishes and classifies some individuals. Let's imagine that at this point you are asking yourself" can an asexual have sex? "Well, of course the answer is yes. And they can have sex. even with another asexual individual In some cases he may feel his own libido and sexual desire (not related to attraction for any gender) in others even a total lack of desire. There is also a phobia of being asexual: it's called aphobia!

According to some scientific studies, even a percentage of some animal breeds are asexual, that is, unable to feel any kind of sexual attraction. However, what classifies an individual as asexual today is not poor sexual activity but rather a lack of desire and arousal.

See also

How to increase sexual pleasure: 9 secrets to succeed!

Candaulism: what there is to know about this sexual practice

Fetishism: what it is and how to deal with this sexual behavior

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Sexual orientation and romantic orientation: what's the difference?

Disinterest in sex does not mean disinterest in romance and love relationships in general. An asexual may not feel any attraction to another gender but may fall in love with it! An asexual therefore may have and desire a love story. This is because it is important to always distinguish between sexual orientation and romantic orientation. If sexual orientation identifies the genders to which an individual is sexually attracted, the romantic one defines the genders with which one is wants to establish a relationship. Like sex, in fact, there are orientations that classify individuals on the basis of their romantic attitude: a heteroromantic feels romantic attraction for the opposite gender, in the same way a homoromantic feels romantic attraction for his own gender. Like sexual orientations, then, there are biromantic, the romantic equivalent of bisexuals and again polyromantic, panromantic. Even asexuality has its counterpart in the panorama of romantic orientations and is the aromantic, an individual devoid of romantic attraction for any gender.

As you may have often guessed in people, sexual orientation coincides with the romantic one: it is not always the case, however! In fact, asexuals can have a different romantic orientation (only a few are asexual and aromantic). of "queerplatonic" relationships. What is meant by the term queerplatonic? They are relationships of a non-romantic nature based on friendship and sometimes even coexistence and even kissing and sharing intimate moments and gestures but only rarely do they also include sex!

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Masturbation and asexuality

Also when it comes to libido and sexual arousal capacity, asexuals fall into different categories. Just as there are asexual individuals who are totally disinterested in sex (who therefore shy away from sex and orgasm) and any type of physical fulfillment, so there are individuals who experience a strong libido and prefer masturbation to sex. The libido of an asexual does not aim at the reaching orgasm through sexual intercourse but does not preclude other avenues even if some try to curb this instinct, while others satisfy it without problems with masturbation.

Asexuals who desire romantic relationships sometimes even go into marriage but don't want sex to be a part of their life and their couple - this can be a big deal for the partner (if not asexual), of course. Unlike the case that an asexual interested in a romantic relationship meets another asexual interested in a romantic relationship: in that case the couple, even without sex, works from every point of view. (It is also true, however, that it is not easy to meet as they are few in number).
Not infrequently some asexuals within a couple with an individual who is otherwise interested in sex, are forced to adapt. In these cases they find themselves having sexual relations that they do not want or they choose to consider theirs an open couple and they leave the partner free to have sexual encounters outside of the relationship. The alternative to this, for them, is to reunite in romantic relationships and remain single!

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Asexuality: two myths to dispel

Asexuality is not a sexual dysfunction. We are not talking about a taboo or an inhibition. People who are asexual are not afraid of sex or have any sexual dysfunction. So being asexual does not mean not having erotic stimuli or having problems concerning the genitals
asexuality is not aversion to sex but a lack of desire and interest.
Another myth to dispel about asexuality is that asexuals are necessarily sexually inexperienced or necessarily single. It is not so! Asexuals, as we have seen, can have romantic relationships or be sexually active even just to please their partner or because they consider it a duty of the community if in a couple.

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