7 tips for getting out of bed quickly in the morning

With the first cold weather you have no desire to leave your bed and, let's face it, we had little desire even with the first heat, with the fog, the rain and with the change of season ... but having to get up early is an essential practice and it is therefore necessary to arm yourself with patience and foresight.
Unless you like heart-pounding awakenings, as you would with the cute baby in this video:

Here are some useful tips for you!

See also

7 techniques to look good in photos

1. Get up as soon as the alarm goes off and put it away from the bed

This seems to be a full-blown torture, but it is a necessary compromise, especially if you like to sleep until the last second available. When the alarm goes off (avoid heavy metal songs otherwise you will surely need a few minutes to recover) you will necessarily have to get up to turn it off.
Okay, maybe for a couple of hours you won't be in a good mood and your partner probably won't be if they go to work later than you, but you certainly won't be late!

2. Create your own routine

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If you can, try to get up and go to sleep at the same time every day (weekends are obviously an "exception). Doing so will always guarantee you the right hours of sleep and arrive at work fresh and rested!

3. Pamper yourself with a different breakfast

Once a week dedicated to an alternative breakfast. It can be a cake, a muffin you bought just out of the office, an exotic breakfast based on avocado ... Food, of course, will give you an incentive to get out of bed!

4. Use motivational messages

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It can be a dedicated alarm clock (smartphones give the possibility to set a personalized message), or you can fill the house with post-its, but one thing is certain: in one way or another you have to find a way to get away from the sheets. and you certainly have the strength to do it.

5. Play early

If you prepare everything the night before, from breakfast to clothes, you will have the opportunity to manage everything more calmly. You can sleep until the last, squirt out of the covers and spin like a top until you've accomplished everything you set out to!

6. Plan something relaxing

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It can be playing with your dog, doing a yoga position or, simply, taking a look at the morning news without having too many pretensions. Knowing that the first action will not be demanding will give you the necessary sprint!

7. Make a list

Make sure you have a chalkboard on which to mark the tasks to be done for the day. Knowing that you have goals, and knowing that they are short-term, will certainly make you more motivated!
But in case you have very little, little time ... Here are some beauty ideas that could save you the day!

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