
Alopecia is a disease that occurs in both women and men and consists of hair loss. This can happen only for a certain period of time with the "patchy" fall and, usually, the cause can be a strong psychological or physical stress or it manifests itself with the premature and definitive loss of hair (baldness).
It can be androgenetic, linked to hormonal dysfunctions with the increase of male hormones, such as testosterone, or aerated, when the hair falls out in "patches" (spots).

According to recent estimates, 4 million Italian women are affected by androgenetic alopecia, compared to men it is attenuated, but it creates strong psychological repercussions. Treatment, in the case of women, allows for many more therapeutic opportunities. There is also a hereditary component. Usually in women, the loss is late (around 30/40 years) and baldness problems affect the vertex and the area behind the forehead-temporal line.

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Alopecia areata can also occur in other parts of the body (eyebrows, eyelashes and beard). It is asymptomatic, it is linked to an alteration of the immune system.
The triggering causes are of various kinds: the hormonal one, can also affect women of childbearing age who have undergone important hormonal dysfunctions, in menopause or in pregnancy always due to hormone problems and the fall can be excessive; stress is another frequent cause even if it is a passing phenomenon; the food cause should not be underestimated, in fact vitamin deficiencies, mineral salts, the problem of anorexia, drastic diets can weaken the hair bulb. To try to make it stronger you need to pay attention to nutrition: eat fish, white meats, eggs, legumes and above all soy, which counteracts the production of testosterone, vegetables and fruit of all kinds and in abundance, raw extra virgin olive oil, red wine , coffee and chocolate (antioxidants). On the other hand, all products derived from refined flours and sugars, cured meats and alcoholic beverages should be abolished from the diet.
The key examination for diagnosis is the trichogram alongside the anamnesis and evaluation of the clinical picture.

The drug therapy of female androgenetic alopecia can be topical or systematic and it is only after careful evaluation by a professional that the cure is established. The therapy will take place with the use of antiandrogens and / or estrogens and progestogens. Medicinal plants and supplements also help the hair grow, and essential oils applied to the scalp have a purifying, anti-dandruff and sebum-regulating function. There are no special treatments to treat alopecia areata, you can resort to the use of topical steroids (creams), there are also natural cures, that is, homeopathic medicines suitable for young girls or for those who have been affected by stress; herbal remedies can also help, for example aloe and green tea, chlorophyll, which are used to make frictions on the scalp, or, again for the same use, lavender, thyme and rosemary oils are indicated.

Alopecia is not a disease that can cause pain or health problems, but many emotional complications, so it is good to live with this problem and have great self-esteem regardless of appearance. Rather in the most drastic cases you can use a wig and if the loss is in "patches", it is good to use a foundation and powder to camouflage the contrasts between hair and smooth scalp.

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