5 good intentions to start 2020 with the right energy

The list of good intentions is a constant in our lives, whenever a new year is approaching.
We are full of expectations, questions and obviously dreams and good intentions that we would like to start working on as soon as possible.
We've thought of 5 achievable resolutions that will bring long-term benefits to your life and help you face the challenges of the new year with the right energy.

But before we start the list, here are some exercises you can do in front of the mirror to like yourself more:

1. Learn to treat yourself

Replace "this" year I'm going on a diet " with "this" year I will treat myself better ".
If you swear every year to go on a strict diet and start hitting the gym, bouncing the commitment from January to September, there is something wrong with your method.
Eating healthier and moving more is always recommended, but you can't go from zero to one hundred in a few days.
Start by giving up the lift or the means, walking as much as you can.
As for the diet, if you suddenly deprive yourself of everything it will be much easier to fall into temptation after a few days.
Try to eat healthy for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day but indulge in appetizers, dinners out, or a chocolate when offered. If you eat better constantly and move more, the results will not be long in coming and will last a long time! You will feel better and full of energy.

See also

How to recognize a self-centered person in 5 steps

Changing your life: 5 tips on how to change your life for the better

Thinking Positive: 5 Steps to Succeed!

2. A small goal per month

One small success at a time. Start a piggy bank and try to set aside even a few euros each month or set a deadline to make a career leap.
Try to close the monthly balance in an orderly manner. No arrears or debts.
It is difficult to reconcile the unpredictable events of a year of life with our good intentions.
Twelve small steps, on the other hand, are easier to follow and if you succeed, at the end of the year you will look back and realize how far you have managed to move forward.

3. A greener lifestyle

Good for you and good for the environment. Just buy a filter and start drinking tap water or do less low cost shopping, in favor of fewer but superior quality items and focus on biodegradable bath products such as solid shampoo , compostable absorbents, washable make-up remover pads.
Working from home when you can, taking the bike instead of the bus, in short, even a tiny good habit has a huge impact in a whole year.
Try to reduce waste and plastic and you will see how the awareness of doing good to the environment will make you feel better!

4. Away with toxic people

A boyfriend who has no intention of building or programming anything with you, a "friend who does nothing but criticize everyone (yes, 90% does it with you too), a relative who writes a lot of nasty things on Facebook, a colleague male chauvinist and all those who more than once, this year, have made you lose your patience.
All away! Speak clearly and set up stakes. If work stresses you, don't allow your professional life (or your boss) to be a part of your private life and ruin your free time.
Remember that time spent arguing, arguing, and doubting someone is never time well spent. You could dedicate it to yourself, the most constructive way to such a precious asset.

5. Travel as much as possible to open your mind

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Of course, not everyone can afford to spend a month in Asia to visit it far and wide. We certainly wish you that but if you don't have this chance, remember that the world is big. You can visit a nearby city by car or train, you can buy a low-cost flight to a European capital (there are even ten euros) or even better visit the neighborhood where you have just moved or change the route you take for go to work. Traveling does not just mean "going on vacation" but it is a fun way to get out of the comfort zone and continually stimulate curiosity. A curious mind is a brilliant mind!

Happy 2020!

Tags:  Old-Couple Marriage Old-Home