3 Likes on Facebook are enough to understand if he is homosexual ...

With a study on Facebook Likes, conducted by researchers from Columbia Business School in New York, Northeastern University in Boston and New York University, the 3 Likes that index sexual orientation. By the same principle that if we like a bag, then we are bombarded with images of bags and megagalactic offers about it, so we can deduce a series of information from our Facebook Likes. D " on the other hand with the Like you can also understand how much he likes you, on average.
Before discovering the 3 revealing likes, watch this child's thrilling reaction when his brother tells him he's gay:

1. Lady Gaga

Just her: a like to one of the queen of world pop music, marks the first ball for a plausible homosexuality. So a Like a Lady Gaga is one of the three main indicators, it also seems obvious to find out.

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2. Glee

The all-musical US television series won Golden Globe and Emmy Awards, and more: the Glee soundtrack was a commercial success with over 36 million singles sold! In short, recognized worldwide as one of the best TV series, his like is the second point that determines homosexuality.

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3. Campaign for human and sexual rights

Last but not least Like, the one for a campaign for human rights and sexual freedom. Having reached this third Like, the probability of being gay is very high. What determines the final and definitive fence? Like a Katy Perry, True Blood and the Ellen DeGeneres Show. In short: how many things can you really understand about us from our social interactions? Even if we are single or engaged!

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All in all, it makes us think how much we could be manipulated and controlled, based on the information we leak on social media and how certain stereotypes lead to deductions that at first glance have the absurd. So does anyone dare to claim that Lady Gaga isn't a fabulous star for everyone? How can you resist its extravagance!

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