Swedish saunas, acupuncture and massages: 12 easy ways to detox your body

If you think oddly colored juices are enough to help your body detox, you are running too fast - we have to fight against eighty thousand chemicals we take in every year.

Do you want to know how to fight these harmful substances? Here are some tips to follow in order to regain your perfect physical shape ...

Before proceeding, however, here are some little tricks to feel good physically and live in perfect harmony with your body.

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1. You are what you drink

High consumption of carbonated drinks is one of the most harmful things we can do to our bodies. While it is often said that consuming diet drinks is not harmful to our body, they can negatively affect our health in more ways than one.

Diet sodas are full of nasty ingredients, such as fructose syrup or aspartame, which can damage your health in the long run. People who drink them regularly are much more likely to be overweight, not to mention depression. head and mood swings.

Try making a flavored water by adding honey and lime. Homemade lemonade is your best bet!

If you need an early morning boost, try a cup of hot water and a few drops of lemon. This will help you fix your immune system and prepare your digestive system for the whole day.

2. Choose the bio

Are more and more people choosing to buy and consume organic foods? Organic foods, although more expensive, are rich in taste, have higher nutritional values ​​and fewer pesticides than their non-organic counterparts.

Considering that, in order to grow, an apple comes into contact with 48 different chemicals, it makes us understand very well why eating organic is the best choice.

Try to familiarize yourself with the "dirty dozen", it will help you eliminate the most toxic food from your diet without affecting your budget too much. Easy!

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3. Go deep with the juices!

Try the juices for a few days or, at most, a week! This will help your body perform a deep cleansing and carry out a process necessary to help your body digest heavy foods better.

4. Try raw foods

Trying raw food is one of the best ways to detoxify the body. Raw foods are easier to digest and are a great way to eliminate toxins.

Enzyme inhibitors are destroyed when foods are cooked, thus eliminating our ability to digest them properly, which is why adding raw foods to our diet from time to time can really do your health good.

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5. Eat clean foods

When you begin your detox journey make sure you kick off a new way of eating with a load of "cleanse the body" foods.

Buy artichokes, asparagus, avocado, beets, broccoli, kale, garlic, ginger, grapefruit, spring onion, green tea, kale, lemongrass, lemon, olive oil, seaweed, turmeric, water, watercress, coriander and wheatgrass.

If they seem like too many ingredients and you don't know how to handle them, try mixing a few together to make a refreshing smoothie or revitalizing juice.

6. Increase your heart rate

We have said it before and we will say it again. Sweating is your body's best way of getting rid of all bad toxins. Precisely for this exercise it is a MUST to cleanse the body and expel toxins. And not only that, it will help your blood flow better.

Find something you enjoy doing, maybe something fun like zumba, yoga or some nice brisk walks.

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7. Suda!

Sweating is one of the best ways to detox and a good way to increase it is the sauna.

Studies show that most people's sweat contains dangerous chemicals like lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic. Some of it can be retained by the body, but most people don't sweat enough. Saunas have been proven to be the best way to eliminate these harmful metals and other toxins.

So why not try relaxing in a steam sauna? Or rather, try a session of Bikram yoga, the red-hot version of the classic form. Not only will it help you get more flexibility and strength, but the temperature will help you sweat and eliminate all toxins.

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8. Supplements

Every day we live and breathe genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and, precisely these, lead us to accumulate many toxins that can lead to disease or, in some cases, to death.

The problem is that we are surrounded by chemicals, which are in the air we breathe due to rampant pollution from cars, planes and factories. They are also in the clothes we wear, such as synthetic fabrics, pesticides, metal-based dyes, the drugs we are prescribed, (some drugs contain mercury, fluoride and aluminum) which are all proven to damage the brain. How can you check all this?

Try supplements that will help you fight these heavy metals. Try carnosine or niacine (vitamin B3), which are easy to find at the drugstore or online. The difference will surprise you.

9. Minimize Medicines

If you have a cold or a little cough, think twice before taking any medication. Often simple approaches, such as grandma's, or natural ones are the best solution for your immune system, even in the long run.

Sometimes it is necessary to take medication, but alternative solutions can often be found. For example, headaches can be combated by drinking more water, while body aches can be treated with yoga sessions or chiropractic treatments.

To help relieve a cold or flu try natural remedies such as garlic, ginger, lemon, honey and turmeric which can help remedy the problem without going to the pharmacy.

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10. Body brushing

Some people may find "body brushing" a strange thing to do, but if you do it first thing in the morning you will be surprised at how super energetic it will make you feel all day.

This technique helps stimulate the blood circulation of the body and lymphatic system, as well as wipe out dead skin cells. The skin is our largest organ, and it is necessary to take care of it!

11. Try Swedish massage

There are a lot of massages and chemical detox aids, but there is nothing quite like a deep Swedish massage for pulling out the toxic waste.The circular movements will help you relax the muscles and relieve pain, breaking the tissues and eliminating all waste. Another reason to book a nice massage this month!

12. Try acupuncture

Acupuncture, a thousand-year-old Chinese medicine, which consists of inserting needles into the pressure points of the body, has indeed proved its worth over the last few decades.

Not only is it widely used to fight inflammation and pain, but it's great for detoxifying our physique. Acupuncture acts as a natural diuretic for the body thereby eliminating toxins through the urinary tract. So, if saunas and massages aren't your thing, try this! It is also perfect if you suffer from severe back pain.

Tags:  Star Old-Luxury In Shape