Dreaming of mice - what is the psychological meaning?

Dreaming of mice, in most cases, is not pleasant. The psychological meaning of this dream, however, is not necessarily negative. Suffice it to say that in ancient Greece, mice were sacred animals to Apollo, even if their function was to guide souls into the "afterlife ...

If dreaming of mice is not fun it will be because of the feeling of widespread contempt that accompanies these little animals, which have always been associated with dirt and disease. But what about the very nice mice that accompanied our childhood or that of our children like Topoliono or Geronimo Stilton? Mice are not always horrifying, there are cases in which it is easy for them to feel a certain sympathy!

The meaning of dreaming about mice, consequently, will be equally ambivalent, and a lot depends on the type of mice that appear to us in the dream, on the actions they perform or on the overall situation. Let's take a closer look at what it means to dream of mice and what are the symbologies that can be associated with the most common dream images related to this animal.

The psychological meaning of dreaming of mice

Mice are small animals that live in the shadows and that seem ungovernable to us, they run away and flee everywhere, they hide behind walls. Dreaming of mice very often takes on the meaning of our deep fear: that of not being able to control events. The anxiety that comes from this impossibility turns into a mouse in our unconscious.

But mice are also rodent animals, which "gnaw" us from the inside just like negative thoughts, obsessive anxieties, sufferings that just do not let us go and that inhabit us, as if they were indistinguishable from our shadows. then that they are feeding on the thoughts that make us feel bad and that we cannot push away.

Mice can also symbolize the presence of someone or something negative in our life, by which we are devoured and possessed, or even be the symbol of a very strong sexual drive that we are repressing and that we do not want to manifest openly, not even to ourselves.

If, on the other hand, you have happened to dream of cute and funny mice like those in the cartoons you watched as a child, the story is different: they are carriers of healthy joy, curiosity and fun! Just like the little mouse in this video:

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Dreaming of white mice or black mice - the associated meaning

Dreaming of white mice is certainly less threatening and negative than dreaming of dark mice. White mice, as well as house or country mice, have a friendly appearance and communicate a feeling of serenity. Dreaming of mice of this type can bring with it a meaning of affection, protection, or manifest a need for love, cleaning and purification.

On the contrary, if you have ever dreamed of black or otherwise dark mice, the negative meaning that we explained in the previous paragraph is accentuated: the mice become the manifestation of negative thoughts, anxieties and fears, a real threat that scares you from " indoor.

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What does it mean to dream of dead or newborn mice?

Dreaming of dead mice, unlike what you might imagine, is a very positive sign: it means that that threatening thought or fear or negative situation you were experiencing has finally moved away from you. A positive phase in your life is about to begin, because you have "defeated the enemy", what used to frighten you is now gone and soon you will be free to start over.

If you dream that you are killing a mouse yourself, then you are expressing this very desire to free yourself from negativity (whether it is a fear, a real person or a situation): if you have waged this fight in your unconscious soon you will make it!

Dreaming of newborn mice is also a positive sign! They mean life, fertility, energy: you are entering or already experiencing a very creative phase of your existence, and this in every sense, both artistic and biological. Take advantage of this renewed energy to make your dreams come true: the unconscious is telling you that you can do it!

See also: Dictionary of dreams: discover the meaning of your dreams!

© iStock Dream dictionary: find out the meaning of your dreams!

The psychological meaning of dreaming of mice running around the house and in other recurring situations

The meaning of dreaming of mice also varies a lot according to the situation and the action they are taking. If you dream of a mouse or more mice in the house, it means that you are "haunted" by very strong concerns that prevent you from living your daily life peacefully. You feel a strong need to purify yourself, get away from this negativity, do an "inner cleansing".

If mice show up in the bedroom or in the bed itself, they may be associated with repressed energies of a sexual nature, which you cannot discharge. If the mice run from side to side it indicates your agitation and your fear of not being able to control your impulses or worries.

If the mice are aggressive, threatening, bite your fingers or gnaw on objects, the meaning of this dream is linked to the aggressiveness of your own anxieties and fears that "gnaw" you inside: they are many distressing thoughts that do not leave you. go and from which you are expressing the unconscious desire to free yourself definitively and as soon as possible.

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