How to recognize a self-centered person in 5 steps

In the dictionary of the Italian language, an egocentric is described as a person who considers himself at the center of the world and who constantly places himself at the attention of others, without ever taking into account their point of view. In short, an egocentric does not believe the opinion of others is valid because the only one that really matters will always and only be his perspective.

In some cases, self-centered people are confused with narcissists. Although there are several points in common between the two, we will see how the behaviors are not always the same.

How, then, can one recognize an egocentric? There are signs that a person "affected" by egocentrism, or who places his "ego", his "I", first of all and everyone, presents very often and to which particular attention must be paid.

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1. Always bring the conversation back to yourself

Empathy is not everyone's gift. It consists in knowing not only to listen to one's interlocutor but also to share his / her feelings and point of view. An empathic person perceives the emotions of those he comes into contact with and is for this is considered an "excellent listener. While not all individuals have this highly developed ability, listening to a friend or acquaintance in need is something that pretty much anyone can do.

An egocentric, on the other hand, acts as if he blocks the listening of others, to bring the conversation back to himself. While his interlocutor is speaking, he does not really pay attention to his words, but only waits for the moment in which he can interact. .

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2. Your needs come first

An egotist is not just a bad listener. In fact, he turns out to be a "false friend" or, in any case, a person unable to really love those around him. All this is demonstrated by his little or no interest in the needs of others. For example, someone's happiness is perpetually secondary to his own, and so are his other positive feelings and all the material things he thinks he needs. Any of his personal needs have absolute priority in his life and he does not even realize that, by doing so, he neglects and risks not respecting those of others.

3. He considers the impression he gives of himself very (too) important

When you first meet someone or attend a special occasion where other people are there, it is perfectly normal to want to make a good impression. However, in the case of an egotist, this "goal" is taken to the extreme. Self-centeredness leads to a desire to want to appear perfectly in any situation. Self-centered people constantly focus on their charm, charisma and strive to always be interesting in the eyes of others.

In addition to this, an egotist asks himself or even other people if he has succeeded in his intent. This question, however, does not provide for an answer other than an affirmative. Of all the meetings and conversational exchanges, those who are self-centered will not remember the topics discussed or other aspects, but will only retrace in their mind how he behaved, evaluating the impeccable impression given.

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4. Rejects or deems the criticisms and advice of others meaningless

As already mentioned, a self-centered person not only rejects the point of view of others, but behaves as if a perspective other than his own does not exist. Similarly, a self-centered person believes that he is always right and does not see any kind of error in his behavior. For this reason, when she is criticized or given even constructive advice, she deems it useless. In addition to this, he may be particularly defensive or may even be angry at the judgment that has been made.

5. Always blame others

For the self-centered, "being at the center of everyone's attention and world consists more than anything else in the awareness of having a" positive opinion about oneself. Thus, very often it happens that an egotist never takes responsibility for a mistake. committed and blame others. All this because admitting that you were wrong can be a reason in your mind to appear "less" in the eyes of other people. self absorbed, that is, focused on herself, she does not believe that it is possible that she can make mistakes.

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The difference between self-centeredness and narcissism

In psychology but also in any dictionary of the Italian language there is a tendency to distinguish the behavior of an egocentric person from that of a narcissist. In fact, despite being both attitudes "self centered" or "self absorbed", have differences. As we have already said, egocentrism consists, for the most part, in a vision of the world" from the inside ". For the egocentric there is only his point of view, his needs, his appearance and his reputation, those of others are not considered in the least, as if they did not exist.

As for a narcissistic personality, however, the speech is slightly different. Narcissists understand perspectives that are different from their own, but they find them useless and thus devalue them of any meaning and importance. These people can even manage to manipulate those around them, thanks to their charm and charisma, in order to achieve the achievement of what is dear to them.

Therefore, if the person who places his "ego", or rather his "I", at the center of any situation, essentially thinks only of himself, without any care for others, the narcissist presents more of manipulative behaviors. The latter are implemented through the enormous confidence he has in himself and in his abilities.

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