Weekly horoscope from 11 to 17 June 2018: how many emotions, Leonesse!

Aries: long live Venus!

Dear Aries, this week finally the planet Venus will return to your side! Starting from Wednesday, your rather fluctuating sentimental situation will return to give you all the security and serenity you are looking for. Attention instead on the professional front: at work you may encounter some more obstacles, especially possible on Thursdays and Fridays… do not lose confidence in yourself!

Taurus: doubts in love ...

Dear Toro, the time has come to step forward! Mercury, starting from Tuesday, will come to your rescue by giving you truly unexpected opportunities and opportunities: do not hold back and do not be afraid to change! In love, however, you may experience moments of crisis, especially at the weekend ... after an idyllic period with your partner in the last few weeks, some doubts may arise. Be careful if you frequent a sign that leads to betrayal:

See also

June zodiac sign: characteristics and peculiarities of Gemini and Cancer

Chinese zodiac signs: what are their characteristics

Gemini: a lot of passion!

Dear Gemelli, this week the planet Venus is back on your side: summer is approaching and the flame of passion starts to burn again ... the days of Tuesday and Wednesday, with the moon in conjunction, will be truly special and full of emotions! Starting from Tuesday, Mercury will abandon your sign, but you can continue to benefit from its positive influences for a long time. The weekend will be full of surprises!

Cancer: welcome, Mercury!

Dear Cancer, on Wednesday the planet of love will abandon your sign after giving you days of great sentimental happiness. Don't worry, though: the serenity next to your partner is destined to last a long time. On the other hand, now, you can greet the entrance of Mercury in conjunction: get ready to experience truly extraordinary days, full of news and good opportunities, first of all those on Thursday and Friday.

Leone: love is in the air!

Dear Leone, are you ready to live your great love story? The sky is propitious: starting from Wednesday, the planet Venus will enter your sign and emotions will certainly not be lacking! Singles will be able to make important meetings at the weekend, while those who are already in pairs will feel ready to make plans for two ... Super-lucky days are those of Saturday and Sunday, with the moon that will shine in the sign!

Virgo: no more obstacles!

Dear Virgo, this week finally the planet Mercury will stop hindering you and will smile again at your sign. If you have recently found obstacles in your path - both in interpersonal relationships and at work - now everything will become easier and luck will be on your side, especially on Thursday and Friday. Some quarrel in love could arise on Tuesdays and Wednesdays instead.

Libra: the serene is back!

Dear Libra, in the last period Venus has made your love life complicated, even old couples have struggled to understand each other! From Wednesday, finally, the calm returns: the planet of love starts smiling at you and you can say goodbye to that sense of loneliness you know well. At work, however, you may have to reconsider your plans: something will not go as you hoped on Thursday and Friday ...

Scorpio: tension in love ...

Dear Scorpio, unfortunately this week the planet of love is turning its back on you: starting from Wednesday, your life as a couple could be overwhelmed by a series of discussions, quarrels and silences that are not exactly easy to manage. Do not get anxious, then, and bet everything on the lucky days of Thursday and Friday. On the contrary, there will be excellent news at work. A bit tense weekend.

Sagittarius: a sigh of relief!

Dear Sagittarius, this week you can finally breathe a sigh of relief: starting from Tuesday, Mercury will no longer be in opposition! Little by little you will be able to overcome even the most difficult of obstacles you have encountered in the last period and, especially at work, you will finally see your merits recognized. Even the planet Venus returns to act in your favor starting from Wednesday: a weekend full of passion awaits you!

Capricorn: great news in love!

Dear Capricorn, excellent news is coming for your sign, which in the last period has suffered not a little for love: starting from Wednesday, the planet Venus will no longer be in opposition! Finally the dialogue with the partner returns and, for singles, the possibility of making new meetings is reopened ... Attention instead on the working front: from Tuesday, Mercury in opposition creates some more obstacles in the office. Never lose faith in your abilities!

Aquarius: Venus opposite ...

Dear Aquarius, unfortunately your sign this week is forced to endure the entrance of the planet Venus in opposition ... in love, starting from Wednesday, the situation risks getting complicated and some of you might even think of drastic solutions like that of close a story that hasn't satisfied her for a long time. The weekend, with the moon also in opposition, will be particularly nervous.

Pisces: news at work!

Dear Pesci, if in the last period you were experiencing some dissatisfaction in the professional field, things will finally change: starting from Tuesday, Mercury will stop being unfavorable to you and will facilitate really interesting meetings and news ... take everything quickly, without hesitating! The luckiest days of the week will be those of Thursday and Friday. Days off: Tuesday and Wednesday.

Tags:  Horoscope Properly Women-Of-Today