14 tips to turn the page and write a new chapter in your life

No one is ever ready to face the challenges that life puts before us. Unfortunately, however, we cannot do much and often we find ourselves face to face with situations that we had not foreseen: the loss of a job, the end of an important relationship, a bereavement or other small problems that irremediably mark our life.

What is the secret to overcoming these moments? Can we really turn the page? In the meantime, what you can do is watch the video below to discover the 6 tricks to wake up in a good mood!

To move on, you have to react

Life is unpredictable and hides dark sides over which we cannot be in control, but what you can cling to is the will to desire something different, to take your life in hand and aspire to something new.

The watchwords are react, act, imagine. The perspective from which you will look at what happened and your consequent reaction to what happened depend solely and exclusively on you. Nothing can destroy you if you know how to oppose with all your strength.

Often what keeps us helpless is that in the face of a big change we are not ready, we just can't imagine a new life. What are the steps to follow, so to regain happiness? Is it possible to go towards a better life than in previous years?

See also

Negative people: how to recognize them and remove them from your life

False people: a guide to recognize them and remove them from your life

The most beautiful phrases about life

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1 - Accept and indulge the pain

Trying to pretend nothing is useless, it is strange to say, but one of the first things to do to try to get better after the blow is just abandoning yourself to the pain, welcoming it and indulging it without trying in every way to drive it away.

Take all the time you need: shut yourself up in the house, eat your favorite food, cry, get angry, scream ... they all seem crazy, but you will see that they will help you get better immediately.

Some psychologists have outlined 5 stages of suffering:

  • I decline

the mind clings with all its might to the idea that it is not really as bitter as reality seems. Maybe in the end of a relationship, it is just a moment when the partner has moved away but will come back. It is a normal reaction.

  • anger

It is the moment in which we tend to find a culprit, we take it out on ourselves, with our partner, with God and with the universe. At this stage it is very important not to lose your head.

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  • negotiation

It is "a first sign of reacting to the situation. But it is not always positive, especially if the attempt is to mend a relationship that has already been ill for some time.

  • depression

It is the longest phase in which sadness prevails, you feel useless, you see everything dark, you don't want to do anything and see anyone.

  • acceptance

You will rework the facts and you will understand that there is worse and it is not the end of the world at all, so you will begin to see a light at the end of the tunnel and to regain confidence in the future.

You don't have to react right away, feeling the pain and accepting it is the first move to start moving on!

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2 - Create a journal of notes

Whether it's on paper or on your computer or cell phone, one of the things that helps the most is to write down all the thoughts that go through your head during the dark period.

There will be many, your mind will seem almost crazy, it will mull over words, phrases and memories. Do not exclude anything, write as much as you can, because the very action of writing even meaningless thoughts is important to extract them out of us and somehow get rid of them to turn the page.

Do not immediately reread the written thoughts, let a few days pass and then you will realize that by rereading them with a cold mind, they will seem only distant memories and will begin to no longer be part of you.

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3 - Distract your mind with movies and books

One of the things that works best for moving on is starting a new book or watching a movie that is inspiring and gives you the opportunity to immerse yourself in the life of the characters.

With this simple trick you will see that your mind will immediately be lighter, but above all you will be aware that there are other lives, it's not all over, you too will have your redemption and why not, even the happy ending you deserve.

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4 - Harness the power of music

Blast your favorite playlist and if you don't have one, it's time to create it: choose songs that energize you, that make you want to dance and sing.

Sing even in the shower, even if your mind keeps telling you that there is really nothing to be happy about and sing about, you sing the same ... the hard part will be to stop.

Seeing is believing and turning the page!

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5 - Focus on the things you have

Rather than thinking about what has been lost, focus on the little everyday things to be grateful for.

It is an exercise to do, for example, at the end of the day, thinking about all the small gestures that made us smile during the day: a kindness from a stranger, a message from a friend, a dish that came out particularly well for you.

Without even realizing it you will begin to have a more rosy view where you used to see everything black before and to grasp the little beauties of life that you previously ignored. It is one of the secrets to turning the page!

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6 - Write a letter to yourself

If you decide to try this exercise and write a letter to yourself, you will see that as strange as it may seem, you will be able to analyze yourself from the outside and see a new person.

The weight of resentment will recede, you will feel light, you will be able to take the reins of your life in hand and move on once and for all.

We know, it is not at all easy to write a letter, but after an initial "hesitation, you will see that the pen will run fast on the paper."

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7 - Dedicate yourself to household chores

Tidying the house or at least a room in addition to distracting the mind from negative thoughts, acts as a metaphor for putting your life in order as well.

Throwing away old things that you no longer use or have deteriorated, modifying the furniture, rearranging the objects on the shelves, is all part of the strategy to move on!

At the end of it all, stop and look around: aren't you already much better?

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8 - Passionate about a sport

The trick is all in getting started: the first few times you will probably have to force yourself to get up from the sofa and dedicate yourself to a yoga, pilates or zumba class.

Then you will see that if you become passionate about one of these activities, you will not be able to stop and it will be a moment that you yourself will try in every way to carve out at least 2 or 3 times a week.

Sport immediately makes you feel freer and improves your mood, even a jog or a walk in the open air is enough to succeed in turning the page.

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9 - Socialize with new people

A good way to let go of the past and quickly forget what made you feel bad is to change friendships. This doesn't mean that you need to break off with your current friends, but simply start looking around for new people.

Sometimes it is much simpler than you can imagine: start with friends you already have and introduce new people, or sign up for language courses, volunteer, participate in events even at the cost of going there alone ... there you will start socializing.

New people will be able to bring new life into your existence.

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10 - Be proud of your independence

Especially after the end of an important relationship it is very difficult to "pick up the pieces" and rebuild a life. What you can do to move on as soon as possible is congratulate and be proud of your new independence.

There will be only you, you can do whatever you want and when you want without giving an account to anyone.

Having a partner is beautiful, but sometimes it is even more beautiful to spend time alone with yourself, after all, as a famous saying goes "feel good about yourself, you are the person you will spend the rest of your life with".

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11 - Let your imagination fly

Carve out a moment of meditation all for yourself and close your eyes trying to bring to mind only positive memories.

Concentrate on that time when you were happy because you were at the sea and the sun kissed your skin in total relaxation, or remember that dinner with loved ones where laughter was the master.

Imagine hugging an important person tightly knowing that everything will be okay. Imagine doing your dream job and achieving your goals.

Simply put, try to attract happiness to yourself and act as if it has already arrived.

Imagination is a very powerful weapon to use in your favor to let the emotions fly and finally turn the page!

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12 - Draw the map to reach your dreams

Everything you imagined, make it real by first starting to draw it.
A large sheet with your name in the center and then many arrows that lead to the important areas of your life: work, friendship, family and why not, even love.

Dwell on each of these by marking the goals you have already achieved and those that could be essential to move on.

What will come out is a map to follow to regain possession of your dreams!

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13 - Act as if you have already achieved happiness

We mentioned it before, but we want to repeat it: one of the things to do to really turn the page is to behave as if you have already forgotten everything and the past is such.

Even if you are still unable to feel emotions due to the pain caused by the tragic event, act exactly as if you are actually feeling all these emotions together.

By acting as if all your wishes have already come true, you will allow positive emotions to reinforce each day.

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14 - Act now

Do not wait, do not procrastinate, the sooner you act the sooner you will take back your life, you will turn the page and you will be happy.

Start small, but start!

It will be the little things that will give you the strength to continue and by doing so you will feel better and better.

If you've gotten rid of your ex forever or are on the right track, have a laugh by reading these hilarious announcements from people selling gifts from past partners.

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