This man paid homage to his wife in the sweetest way ever

Bobby and Rayena are a couple like many others and Bobby, from far away Alabama, would never have imagined that the words written on his Facebook profile, with the purpose of thanking his wife, could make the hearts of the whole world beat in unison.

This is my wife Rayena during a nap. She'll wake up in an hour, put on her smock and be ready to go to work. Everything she needs will be meticulously collected and checked, she'll put on her makeup and comb in a flash. She'll say she feels ugly and I'll disagree, bringing her a cup She will sit cross-legged on the sofa and happily play with the baby curled up on top of her.
Sometimes she will stare into space imagining what awaits her. Always think that I don't notice.
She'll kiss the baby, kiss me, and then go take care of those who are probably having the worst day of their lives: car accidents, gunshot wounds, explosions, burns and fractures. Poor people, entrepreneurs, pastors, drug addicts and prostitutes, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters and families.
It doesn't matter who you are or what happened to you - she will take care of you.
He will return home 14h later and will leave his shoes outside the door, the same shoes he walked in through blood and despair. Sometimes he doesn't want to talk about it, other times he can't wait to do it. Sometimes he laughs to tears, sometimes he just cries but always makes sure to be on time for the next shift.
My wife is an "emergency room nurse."
My wife is a "heroine."
See also

Do these photos disgust you? Scientists are wondering why

If there is love, for work and for the family, nothing is impossible!

Tags:  Kitchen Parenthood Star