How to get more followers on Instagram: Baddie Winkle, an 80-year-old from Kentucky, explains it to us

Baddie Winkle is 87 and has more Instagram followers than any of us. Two million, to be exact, including Miley Cyrus and Drake. Baddie figured out how to get more followers on Instagram: the secret lies in the boldness of her pink boas.

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Baddie Winkle, born Helen Van Winkle, grew up in Glomar, Kentucky. Until she was eight, the town was not served by electricity, so she had to traverse the nearby woods in search of firewood.
"It was a difficult time for everyone: I was always trying to keep the mood high. I didn't do who knows what follies, but I was a cheerful and joyful child: people enjoyed themselves and thought less about daily pains ".
Eighty "years later, the same spirit still animates Baddie Winkle's days.

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It was Kennedy, the nineteen-year-old granddaughter, who launched her grandmother on Instagram. In 2014, Baddie Winkle was still Helen Van Winkle and was sunbathing in the garden wearing a Kennedy T-shirt and shorts. The niece, amused by her look, posted a picture of her on Twitter. Given the success, she convinced her grandmother to open an Instagram account. Thus, Baddie Winkle was born.

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Despite the haters on his profile, Baddie doesn't give a damn. After her husband and son died, she finally managed to get distracted and have fun. "I don't think I've changed much. It's still me, after all."

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Baddie Winkle's story teaches us two things. First of all, that to gain followers you have to be bold. And, more importantly, that life is too short to give any weight to the opinion of others.

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