Cointreau's summer cocktail

Thus was born CointreauFizz, the new cocktail based on fresh lime juice, cointreau and acquagassata that can be flavored and re-interpreted in dozens of different ways.

The recipe is very simple:
1/3 of Cointreau
fresh lime juice
2/3 of sparkling water

cointreau fizz recipe

A cocktail that is very easy to recreate and, above all, to customize. Like? You want something more bitter: replace the water with 10cl of soda and you will get in Orange Fizz. Want a Raspberry Fizz? Add some fresh raspberries (and some juice too, if you like). In this way you can let your imagination run wild and experiment with spices, aromas, fruits ... and why not, even create mini competitions with friends!

For more information:

See also:

    • Gatorade in "street" version
    • Happy birthday, Coca-Cola!
    • Campari presents Orange Passion

    Tags:  Old-Luxury Actuality Lifestyle