The stars dressed in black at the Golden Globes against sexual harassment

The "Time" s Up association has launched an appeal to the guests at the ceremony of the 75th edition of the Golden Globes: dress in black! The collective, made up of 300 women who work in the film industry - among many also Natalie Portman, who for the occasion decided to create her first social account - was founded to help and defend victims of harassment. sexual intercourse in the world of work. As a gesture of solidarity, the members of the organization asked everyone, men and women, to wear black clothes at the awards ceremony for the best films of the past year. Thanks to the visibility obtained in recent days, Time's Up has already raised $ 13 million in a charity fund for the benefit of less well-off workers, who will be able to report their attackers and pay the costs of a trial.

See also The Secchiona and the Pupo win against stereotypesA black carpet

After the announcement, some voices were raised to denounce the initiative. According to producer Elisabeth Sereda, proudly wearing bright and colorful clothes would have been a better form of protest. Rose McGowan, one of the actresses who brought out the Weinstein scandal in the light of day, also expressed outrage at the movement, arguing that the actresses who had preferred to keep quiet rather than denounce did not have the right to participate in this gesture of solidarity. The suspense lasted until last night, when the red carpet was dyed black but, like every year, it was filled with amazing looks. Look here...

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