
What is hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a natural state of conscious sleep, during which the hypnotized person is totally relaxed, with no connections with the outside, as when watching an exciting movie. This state is used in psychiatry to more easily access the unconscious, overcome blocks and bring back some problems related to childhood. Hypnosis is therefore in practice an amplifier and an accelerator of therapy. The goal of a hypnosis session is therefore to reach the unconscious and reveal any past trauma, which has been removed but which causes psychic disorders such as states of anxiety and phobias.

For who?
Increasingly used in psychotherapy, and even if the ways in which it operates are not known, hypnosis is an apparently effective tool for getting rid of various disorders. The most frequent applications are psychological and psychosomatic: quitting smoking, losing weight, anxiety, neurosis, stress, enuresis, insomnia, phobias, trauma, tics, shyness, but also personal development. Children and students who are unsure of themselves before an exam can also benefit.
Hypnosis can also be used for short psychotherapies.

How does a session take place?
There are two schools of thought. The first, traditional quea, created by Freud, is based on suggestion. The patient receives verbal ("sleep!"), Visual and physical stimuli. This technique starts from the assumption that if a patient is suggested to heal, he can do it. This method is sometimes effective but ephemeral.
Ericksonian hypnosis, on the other hand, is not based on suggestion but on the patient's active participation. A hypnosis session takes place in the form of a simple conversation, during which the patient is deeply relaxed and gradually enters his unconscious, freely. The therapist feeds the conversation with metaphors and symbols and progressively leads the patient to find solutions to his problems by himself. This school of hypnosis is respectful of the patient's values ​​and is much more effective than the previous one.

See also

Regressive hypnosis: what it is and how it works by the psychotherapist

Hypnosis for sleep: relaxation techniques for falling asleep

Phrases about smiling: quotes that celebrate the act of smiling

How much?
Prices vary between € 50 and € 90 for a one-hour session. Sometimes five or six sessions are needed, depending on the problem being treated.
Despite this, hypnosis is not regulated by any legislation. Find out first about the skills and abilities of the therapist who proposes it.

EMDR stands for "Eye movement desentization and reprocessing". This technique is similar to hypnosis: the patient is followed by a moving point with his eyes. This gymnastics allows you to act on the brain and has quite impressive results on post-traumatic stress.

Is there any danger?
Hypnosis evokes a kind of power of the one who practices it over the one who is subjected to it. Wrongly. In reality, there is no need to be afraid, our brain has safety valves that prevent us from acting against our own values. He who hypnotizes is not omnipotent.

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