Second month of pregnancy: symptoms and the appearance of the belly

In the second month of pregnancy, it is very likely that you know that you are pregnant: the first symptoms intensify and you begin to see the belly. There are therefore priorities to be taken into account, especially from a medical point of view. Your gynecologist will immediately proceed with:

  • basic gynecological examination, measurement of pressure and body weight
  • blood and urine tests
  • prescription, not mandatory, of supplements to prevent any deficiencies. Often, gynecologists prescribe folic acid, iron and magnesium, which are essential for a good development of the fetus.

How does the fetus develop in the second month?

During the second month of pregnancy, the nervous system, lungs, liver, stomach and pancreas develop considerably, after starting this training during the first month. The spine and kidneys are formed. The first muscles, the ones that allow the baby to move, take shape. Sensory organs such as the optic nerve, ears, tongue and the tip of the nose continue to develop and are now visible on the first ultrasound, which is held during these weeks. But the embryo does not hear and does not see yet. His little heart is divided into two ventricles, the right and the left. At the end of the second month, it measures about 3 centimeters and weighs 2 to 3 grams. The first ultrasound allows, already at this stage of pregnancy, to calculate the date of birth and check the health of the placenta, which is fundamental in the growth of the baby.

See also

First month of pregnancy: symptoms and advice on how to behave

Cystitis in pregnancy: symptoms and remedies (natural and otherwise) for inflammation

Hypertension in pregnancy: symptoms, risks and treatment to cure it

The development of the fetus month by month

In this video, you can see how the fetus develops from the moment of conception to a moment before delivery. An extraordinary video to understand the miracle of nature. In the first months the embryo starts a rudimentary development of the first vital organs (phenomenon called organogenesis), and then develops the limbs, and finally the brain.

How to behave during the second month?

During the development of pregnancy, especially during the first few months, it is important to follow the rules of behavior to ensure a peaceful pregnancy and a healthy baby. The first ultrasound scan is performed, following a doctor's prescription, and we begin to pay attention to the diet, which is crucial to warding off diseases and disorders such as toxoplasmosis or hypertension, which are dangerous in this state. Here are some tips on what to do and what not to do to experience a peaceful second month of pregnancy:

  • if you suffer from morning sickness, drink a glass of water on an empty stomach. Don't get up as soon as you wake up, wait a quarter of an hour. Avoid tea and coffee and prefer herbal teas or chamomile tea
  • if you suffer from mild discomfort such as hot flashes, frequent urge to urinate, breast pain, heartburn, headache, lightheadedness, nosebleeds, itching or vomiting, do not take medicines of any kind, and always consult your doctor or gynecologist
  • consult your doctor in case of leaks
  • if you feel tired, take short naps - they will help you regain strength
  • abdominal cramps are perfectly normal, and are not to be confused with uterine contractions
  • choose a gentle sport: walking is often more than enough, but you can also opt for swimming, or yoga
  • drink lots of water

What to eat during pregnancy?

For your diet, prefer fresh and varied products to frozen ones. Do not eliminate proteins, essential for the development of the baby's muscles, and not even the caloric intake of starchy foods, which will prevent you from giving in to sweets too often. However, avoid eating too much fat, too sweet or too salty. Avoid raw or poorly washed foods, and eliminate alcohol, coffee and especially cigarettes. Keep weight gain under control: the ideal would be if it varied from 10 to 12 kilos over the nine months.

Psychological symptoms of pregnancy

During pregnancy, you will tend to question yourself. Your mood will become unstable and the cravings will change quickly. You will need the love, affection and understanding of others. It may happen that your body changes quickly, in fact the belly begins to show and the symptoms of pregnancy intensify. It is good to talk to others, because fears will begin to arise that do not only concern you, but also the baby: doubts and fears that the baby is not healthy, that the birth is not going well or fears of another nature. Many expectant mothers often find relief in group sessions or meetings with a specialist. Often even the reassurances of the gynecologist can be enough to reassure oneself.

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