Nadia Toffa Foundation: a concrete commitment for the weakest

This morning the Nadia Toffa Foundation was presented at the Palazzo Loggia in Brescia, strongly supported by the parents and sisters of the presenter who died on August 13 due to the cancer that struck her in 2017.

"The Foundation aims to give concrete help to those who work every day to improve the health and life of the weakest and most defenseless people, pursuing the values ​​of solidarity and the search for truth of which Nadia has always been a symbol and for which she fought in life ”. This is the nature of the project aimed at supporting doctors, researchers and patients. The foundation will focus on three main areas: health, the environment and social issues, causes for which Nadia always fought when she was still alive.

The foundation's logo recalls the face of the former Hyena framed by the unmistakable blond bob and 32-tooth smile. That same contagious smile that he never stopped showing even during the toughest moments of his battle against the disease.

Nadia's relatives have declared that, for the moment, the Foundation will support the Carlo Besta Neurological Institute, the same where Nadia was being treated, the pediatric oncohematology department of the Annunziata Hospital in Taranto and the associations of the Terra dei Fuochi , areas affected by environmental disasters against which Nadia fought alongside the inhabitants, victims in terms of health.

Nadia's commitment at the side of the weakest continues even after her death and the Foundation has received, in less than 24 hours, support beyond expectations, demonstrating the love that this woman has been able to sow in life and of which the rewards continue to be harvested.

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