How to survive Valentine's Day if you're single: five lifesaving moves to make it to the evening

Given that happiness certainly does not derive from being in a couple but it is an individual condition linked to the person and his way of conceiving life, we must admit that Valentine's Day for singles can be a rather unpleasant occasion. own celebration of love itself, this date gives hives to many singles who, willy-nilly, find themselves coming to terms with their status. quite easily from this anniversary and its rather invasive implications - let's face it - and then there are those who, not satisfied with their single status, accuse a certain aversion for February 14, which, more than any other day, reminds us of the " absence of a partner. Whether you are "vaccinated" for this type of party, or whether you live it with a certain disgust, we have decided to suggest a practical life-saving guide to survive unscathed on Valentine's Day if you are single.

Before proceeding, however, here are 5 ideas to celebrate this day anyway and take the opportunity to dedicate some time to yourself as you see fit!

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1. Do one thing for yourself, just for you!

Anything. From a yoga class that you like so much to a stroll downtown to see the windows, to doing nothing in front of the TV. Today, more than any other day, you are the queen of your life: take advantage of it! Any activity that raises serotonin and makes you feel good is welcome. On this ominous day studded with hearts of all kinds, in which it seems that those who are alone do not have a life worth living, we remind others that happiness is first of all a personal achievement, which has little to do with being. in pairs. And we, we know it well. Because choosing to be alone and avoiding a life of two - sometimes an easy shortcut - is a courageous choice, which must be rewarded every now and then. Well, today is the right day: indulge yourself!

This can also mean dedicating yourself to a DIY scrub for a moment of pampering beauty in complete tranquility, perhaps listening to your favorite music! Here is a simple and effective recipe to make a perfect organic scrub comfortably at home!

2. Have lunch with your favorite dish, no diet today!

Today put aside your diet and celebrate your freedom by savoring your favorite dish, whatever it is: from a very healthy toast with avocado and chia seeds to a less light lasagna with meat sauce. Obviously this also affects the amount of sweets to be taken: unlimited. On this anniversary that includes waves of chocolates of all shapes and tastes, you certainly don't want to be a spoilsport: feel free to taste them all. Without guilt or remorse: chocolate is one of the things that stimulate serotonin, and as such it is imperative on this unpleasant day.

3. Organize a show evening with your closest friends

We come to the evening. If you are not satisfied with the hot bath option with scented candles and favorite music in the background, you could gather your closest friends and organize a super dinner on your own with a TV show. If possible, choose a comedy, perhaps a revival of Friends or Will & Grace, or any other TV series that makes you laugh and lifts everyone's mood. Romantic or tear-jerking movies banned!

4. Call a person you love very much

Call a person you love very much who you know will make your day better, and if you have the chance, have a coffee or have lunch with them: the time spent with those who make us feel good is a gift, as well as a multiplier of happiness. Well, today is the right day to put this axiom into practice, don't forget it. Love, moreover, consists of many forms and is not expressed only in the feeling that binds a couple.

5. Make a list of the good things you have, because yes, you do!

Take a few minutes to make a list of the good things you have. Mark everything that goes through your head as a stream of consciousness: from your cat to the dress you bought last week, to your lifelong dream job or a simple floor plan on your windowsill. Anything that makes you feel proud and happy is worth it. No matter how much the actual value is, it only matters how important it is to you and your happiness.

Small remind for those who lose the compass on Valentine's Day

If even everything around you seems to prove the opposite, especially on a day like this, remember: your happiness depends only on you, and it is not reachable only if you are in a couple. You are complete even on your own, and it is precisely in that moment that you can savor the joys of life to the fullest, and then fully share them with the right person, when he arrives. Do not settle for the simple fact of not wanting to be alone, you will end up choosing unhappiness. Often, avoiding a bad relationship with a man that makes you unhappy is a true act of love towards yourself. And this is the first step towards to attract beautiful things and love stories that are worth living. Invest in yourself, enjoy your passions and focus on what you love to do, the rest will come by itself. Repeat it like a mantra, today more than ever: it will help you feel proud of yourself.

How to overcome with dignity even San Faustino, the party of singles: strategies to be successful

And if you think it's over here, you are unfortunately wrong. Yes, because at midnight on February 14, when you think you are safe, another memorable day is triggered: San Faustino, the single party. Now you just have to copy and paste what you have read up to here and try to overcome without too many setbacks and with a good dose of patience also this second day. Don't worry, we can do it. And then go ahead for the next 364 days.

And if you really want a pinch of passion, even if only virtual, you can always console yourself by giving an eye to the most sensual actors of the moment!

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