Virgo ascendant Taurus: kindness and reflection

According to the horoscope, those born under the sign of Taurus with a Virgo ascendant present important characteristics not only of sympathy but also of loyalty that make them faithful friends to always rely on. Each sign of the Zodiac has its particularities and its reference colors: Did you know that she also has her own nail polish? Find out now the perfect nail polish for your sign by watching our video!

The zodiac sign of Taurus: the main characteristics

The vital energy of Spring, your season, makes your temperament vital and expansive. You are stubborn, but sweet and a lover of the pleasures of life. You are an Earth sign: you value economic well-being, especially family well-being, and not out of greed or avarice. You save a lot, but only because you want a life without anxiety. You are generous with friends, you are thoughtful, kind and tolerant, but if they touch your loved ones, you suddenly get angry and react impetuously. You love Nature, places, animals, children. Venus makes you charming and creative; your personality is spontaneous and clear, you are romantic and sensual in love, but a little too jealous of your loved one. You have a concrete, effective intelligence, you are able to reflect and deepen every situation. In this way you never get caught unprepared from unexpected events and you prove to be reliable and wise even in the hardest moments. You are friends with everyone, you never hesitate to help others. However, you are too stubborn, it is almost impossible to change your mind and this sometimes complicates your interpersonal relationships. various signs of the Zodiac you are the most sincere: you would never betray someone's trust Tireless worker, you seek tranquility and stability.
The zodiac sign and the ascendant, the house: in the Tarot Taurus corresponds to the Pope, the fifth card of the Major Arcana, a sign of protection, authoritative guide, serenity and wisdom. In a negative position it represents nervousness, instability and selfishness .

See also

Leo ascendant Taurus: sensual and charismatic

Gemini Virgo ascendant: creative and independent

Taurus Ascendant Scorpio: a very strong personality

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Virgo Ascendant: Kindness and reflection in two Earth signs

Besides being Taurus, you have a Virgo ascendant, you love serenity and fear poverty. The ascendant makes you less impetuous, more emotional, a little nostalgic. You hate unexpected events and uncalculated risks. economic well-being, but only to be able to peacefully enjoy the simple pleasures of existence, good food, sex, the company of friends, and not for the greed to accumulate real estate and money. You are selfless, generous; you always ask yourself great goals and do everything to achieve them. In love you are sweet, caring and respectful. The Taurus-Virgo, in fact, seeks a sensitive, determined and sincere person who supports him in difficult times. As a couple he believes in mutual and affectionate help. Virgo ascendant usually gets along well with Water signs, but has many affinities, even with those of Earth, such as Taurus. As a sexual understanding, perfection is found with the sign of Gemini. According to astrology and as can also be inferred from horoscopes, the ascendant also affects the health of the zodiac sign. In the case of the Virgo ascendant, there are generally no serious health problems, even if they are not rare disorders of a nervous nature and hypochondria. In fact, excessive perfectionism and a little bit of victimization can lead to the combination of psychosomatic disorders, especially related to the gastrointestinal system.

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Virgo as a zodiac sign and as an ascendant

With Taurus and Capricorn, Virgo is one of the zodiac signs of Earth, dominated by Mercury, the planet that symbolizes intelligence. The natives of the sign reveal shyness and a lot of reserve. Even if rather hypercritical, they know how to be true friends, always ready to help those who find themselves in difficulty and need them with sincere altruism. This sign, however, has perfection as its fixed point and dwells on even the smallest details, obsessed with perfection and attention to detail, so much so that it appears exaggeratedly meticulous and meticulous. The strengths and weaknesses of his zodiac sign often remain relevant even when he is ascendant of other signs. A Virgo ascendant always reveals his keen insight and tenacity. He always carries out projects and works started. He takes great care of his body, not only aesthetically, but also taking great care of his health. Even as an ascendant, Virgo makes one feel the weight of his excessive delusions of perfectionism and hypercriticism, which he frequently discharges on others, but also on himself. He oscillates between the desire for a secure and lasting bond and the difficulty of freeing his instincts and his inner impulses. Before forming a stable bond, she must fully trust her partner. If he falls in love and knows he can count on his loved one, he will try to make her happy in every way.
According to astrology and as can also be read in the horoscope, the combination of the main and ascendant zodiac sign can also affect health. In the case of the Virgo ascendant, episodes of nervous system disorders are not rare. In fact, the critical spirit and the desire for perfection in any circumstance can lead to psychosomatic and sometimes intestinal problems.

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Characteristics of the Virgo ascendant

If you are interested, we can help you calculate the ascendant of a friend of yours that you care about.
Those with a Virgo ascendant are cautious, fussy, and wary until they are sure of the people they hang out with. He hates the unexpected and tries to foresee every risk. Gives a lot of affection to the partner and respects him. Work is very important for this sign, he dedicates himself to it with the utmost commitment and with his excellent intellectual and organizational skills. Here is the influence exerted by the Virgo ascendant on the various signs. Some aspects of the signs of the Zodiac accentuated or reduced by the influence of the Virgo ascendant.
Aries Virgo ascendant: the impulsiveness of the Aries is attenuated by the methodical and practical ascendant, which also pushes towards greater fidelity and the desire for marriage.
Virgo ascendant: determined and pragmatic. In love she reveals a romantic but not very dynamic personality. This combination emphasizes the characteristics of the natural element, the Earth.
Gemini ascendant Virgo: the influence of the pragmatism of the ascendant makes the talent and creativity of the Air sign more effective, mitigating their volubility. In love he pushes the zodiac sign towards more stable and lasting relationships.
Virgo ascendant Cancer: the emotional part of Cancer merges with the rationality of the Earth sign in a good balance, even if Virgo feeds the confidentiality of Cancerians. Look for a trusted, loving, and romantic partner.
Leo ascendant Virgo: the sign of Fire is less impulsive under the influence of the ascendant and its strong ability to reflect on the facts. In love they look for both major signs for personal spaces, even if the passion of Leo comes into conflict with the prudent logic of Virgo.
Virgo ascendant Virgo: This combination usually duplicates the characteristics of the sign, but can also soften them. The Virgo-Virgo turns out to be intelligent and realistic, but very reserved. In love he is faithful, but often not very passionate.
Virgo ascendant Libra: a fascinating combination in which the aesthetics of Libra acquires greater determination thanks to the ascendant, even if the sociable nature of the zodiac sign is attenuated by the reasoning of Virgo, which prevails over emotions.
Virgo ascendant Scorpio: the charm and mystery of the sign of Water, combining with the rationality of Virgo, gives rise to a strong and fascinating personality, even if rather sensitive and touchy, with repercussions also in the love life.

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Sagittarius with a Virgo ascendant: Sagittarius's love for freedom and extroversion is limited by the rigor of the Earth sign, which makes it less expansive, while fueling its audacity and determination in the field of work.
Virgo ascendant Capricorn: the aspects of the Earth signs are added up and a tempered and active personality arises, especially in work. A lot of determination and tenacity, however, risk making her personality less passionate and instinctive in love.
Virgo ascendant Aquarius: a combination that gives rise to an intelligent, eclectic and very intuitive sign. The ascendant makes him more sedentary, but does not curb his love for adventure, nor his desire for freedom in love relationships.
Pisces Virgo Ascendant: A pairing of contrasting characteristics. The Air sign is genuine and sensitive, the ascendant is rational and endowed with practical sense. In love, romance and dedication prevail.

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