Test: Do you bet we guess your favorite shoes with 8 questions?

"Show us your shoes and we'll tell you who you are", a cliché, apparently, but that doesn't lie at all. But now let's turn things around and with a few questions about your personality, we can guess your favorite shoes. "there is little to discuss, depending on the type of shoes we choose, we face the day differently:

Our favorite colors, our musical tastes, the way we interpret the images, speak clearly of our personality, as well as the shoes we choose. With 8 questions we will guess yours. Are you ready? Take the test!

See also

How to match wide pants according to the model you prefer!

How to widen your shoes: the infallible do-it-yourself remedies to try right away

How to match nude (or flesh-colored) shoes and which ones to choose!

And if you like personality tests, have fun with this:

Test: which Disney princess are you?
Test: who is your ideal man?
Test: which super heroine are you?

Tags:  Properly In Shape Horoscope