Test: why don't you stop thinking about him even if it's over?

It's been over between you for a long time, yet you don't stop thinking about him. Or it ended recently, at first you didn't think about it, but now you miss it more and more. Or again, it ended irreversibly, and yet you just can't stop remembering the moments we spent together. The cases in which our exes we miss them are so many and each case is different. Before you find out why you can't stop thinking about it, watch this video, it might come in handy:

Test: why don't you stop thinking about him even if it's over?

Are you still in love with your ex or are there other causes that bring you back to the past? How come you don't want to go on? If you're worried that you can't stop thinking about him even though it's over, then you should take our test and find out what the reasons are:

What must a guy absolutely have if he wants to be your boyfriend? Find out now with our test!

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