Symptoms of pregnancy: how long after sexual intercourse do the first symptoms appear?

If you are wondering how long after unprotected sexual intercourse the first symptoms of pregnancy appear, you will have to realize that there is no single answer to this question: every pregnancy (as well as every woman) is different from the other. C "is who could experience symptoms from the first week and who will have to wait for the delay of the menstrual cycle to be able to take a test. In this regard, here is a video on the pregnancy test, which one, how and when to do it:

Symptoms of pregnancy: how long after intercourse do the first symptoms appear?

The symptoms of pregnancy can be different and vary from woman to woman, even between one pregnancy and the next. There is therefore no single answer to the question of how long after unprotected sexual intercourse does the first symptoms appear.

Usually, those who do not experience particular symptoms in the first or in the first weeks of pregnancy tend to notice them only when the menstrual cycle does not occur. The delay of menstruation is an unequivocal symptom, but it could also be due to other causes, so it will always be good to take a pregnancy test to understand if you are pregnant or not.

To return to later when the first symptoms of pregnancy appear from intercourse, in most cases it occurs between the fifth and sixth week of gestation, ie three or four weeks after conception. The delay of the cycle (if the menstruation is regular) can be dated starting from ten days after the conception itself.

If this is the general average, it must be considered that there are women who discover that they are pregnant through the pregnancy test or a blood test, but do not experience the first symptoms until the first gynecological visit, which usually takes place around the seventh week. of pregnancy.

Furthermore, it must be considered that in some cases the symptoms can manifest themselves from the first weeks of gestation, but not be perceived as such because they are confused with premenstrual pains or flu symptoms, especially if the pregnancy was not planned.

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© Instagram Line Severinsen The problems of pregnancy according to Line Severinsen

What are the symptoms of the first or first weeks of pregnancy?

The first symptoms of pregnancy can be of a different nature and entity. The main and most evident one is, inevitably, the delay of menstruation, also called "amenorrhea": the menstrual cycle that should have occurred after unprotected sexual intercourse (and therefore after "conception) delays and skips completely. .

In some cases, however, so-called "implantation losses" may occur instead of the menstrual cycle: this is one of the most common symptoms of the first weeks of pregnancy. This spotting presents with small blood loss starting from the first or second week after conception, more or less in correspondence with the days when the menstrual cycle should have arrived, with which they are often confused. In this case, be careful: implantation losses are minor compared to menstruation and last less. In addition, blood loss could also occur due to the rupture of the capillaries in the neck of the uterus.

In addition to implantation losses, among the symptoms of the first weeks of pregnancy we also find white, milky losses, due to the changes taking place in the uterus since after conception. Breast pains are also very frequent, which begins from the earliest weeks of pregnancy to increase in volume and swell due to hormonal changes. The breasts may become tight and sensitive as early as a few days after conception and therefore after sexual intercourse. The nipples may become more protruding and the areola darker and darker. wide.

Among the most well-known symptoms of early pregnancy we find the famous morning sickness, common to about 80% of pregnant women. How long after sexual intercourse does this symptom appear? It can occur as early as the first week, but is still very common in the first twelve weeks. Nausea may be accompanied by vomiting, altered taste, increased sensitivity of smell. Usually the nausea disappears between the sixteenth and twentieth weeks of pregnancy.

Other symptoms of early pregnancy that can help you understand if you are pregnant or not are severe tiredness and a sense of exhaustion, often accompanied by a desire to sleep. This is a symptom that can occur from the first days of gestation and that usually accompanies women in the first twelve weeks of pregnancy, and in some cases it can lead to pressure drops, dizziness and fainting.

Abdominal cramps (due to the expansion of the uterus), frequent urination, headache, mood swings, profuse salivation, bloating and stomach pain, back pain, constipation and intestinal disorders may also occur in the first weeks of pregnancy.

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What are the symptoms caused by?

The body of a pregnant woman begins to change from the beginning of gestation, and that is why the symptoms - in some cases - can present from the beginning of the pregnancy itself, after unprotected sexual intercourse and conception.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, the levels of progesterone (the hormone of pregnancy) double approximately every two days and it is this hormone that causes most of the symptoms of gestation. About a week after unprotected intercourse that caused conception. therefore around the 21st day of a regular menstrual cycle), the egg that has been fertilized nestles in the endometrium and it is at that point that the Beta hCG hormone can be detected by the pregnancy test.

The first symptoms of pregnancy are caused precisely by these hormonal changes, but they also depend a lot on personal factors that affect the metabolism, health and psyche of the pregnant woman. However, they will depend on the increase in estrogen and progesterone as well as on the increase in the amount of blood circulating in the body.

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Symptoms of pregnancy: after how long after the missed period to take the test?

When can you take the pregnancy test? If your menstrual cycle is regular (ie 28 days) you can take the pregnancy test about fourteen days after the "offending" sexual intercourse, ie starting from the first day of delay in menstruation.

The pregnancy test, capable of identifying the beta hCG values, is able to detect them about 8-11 days after ovulation, not earlier. In order not to risk errors, however, it will be good to repeat the test after 4-5 days from the start of the delay, to confirm or not the result obtained on the first day of the same. If the pregnancy test is negative, but your period continues to be late, consult your gynecologist right away!

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