SIDS: Causes, Symptoms and Prevention of Cot Death Syndrome

SIDS (acronym for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), known in Italy as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or Cradle Death Syndrome, consists of the sudden and unexplained death during sleep of an apparently healthy baby, aged between one month and one year. Although there are no national data on the real incidence of the phenomenon, according to the Ministry of Health, the percentage of cot death is in sharp decline (thanks to the greater SIDS prevention measures) and is currently estimated at around 0.5% of live births. in Italy, or 250 cases every year. The peak is reached between 2 and 4 months of age, especially in the winter period; it is rarer after 6 months and exceptional in the first month. Despite declining statistics, SIDS or cot death remains the leading cause of death for healthy babies to this day.

The causes of SIDS: what are the main risk factors

SIDS is a phenomenon that does not yet find a certain explanation in the scientific community, so it is difficult to explain its causes. In the opinion of many American CDCs (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), the causes of SIDS could theoretically lie in abnormalities in the brain area that controls sleep and wake rhythms and which, following an "unlikely," however possible, triple combination of factors, would increase exponentially the risk of cot death of the infant. These factors are the following:

  • Children, even those apparently healthy and normal, actually suffer from a small anomaly in the system of regulation of the heart, respiratory or general rhythms of their organism.
  • In the first months of the baby there are important changes in sleep rhythms, in breathing and heart rhythms, in pressure or in body temperature.
  • All in all, the first two factors would be harmless if numerous external events did not complicate the situation, sometimes caused by wrong behaviors and habits such as making the child sleep in a prone position (i.e. on his stomach) or on mattresses, pillows and soft duvets. and enveloping, letting the baby sleep in the parents' bed, exposing the fetus and / or the newborn to smoke (exposure to smoke during pregnancy triples the risk of SIDS and that to passive smoke in the first months of life doubles it). "Dangerous" external events include premature birth or low birth weight and the presence of respiratory infections.

For the American CDC we can speak of SIDS only if these three factors are present together. On the other hand, any correlation between SIDS and vaccines should be excluded.

See also

Postpartum depression: symptoms and prevention of this disorder following g

Headaches in pregnancy: causes, symptoms and natural remedies for migraine

Sciatica in pregnancy: causes, symptoms and how to relieve pain and back pain

Are there any symptoms of cot death or SIDS?

This is the question many parents ask themselves: Are there any symptoms of cot death or SIDS? Is it possible to notice by some small sign that your child is running the risk of being affected by this terrible syndrome, in order to intervene in time to avert it? Unfortunately, the answer is no. There are no symptoms of SIDS, infants who lose their lives due to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome do not seem to be suffering from some form of pain or show physical evidence: the heart simply stops beating and they are as if they are falling asleep.
Obviously, cot death can be prevented by minimizing the risks of SIDS, avoiding the wrong behaviors and habits described in the previous paragraph, and scrupulously following all the recommendations listed in the next.

How to avoid SIDS: prevention and measures

We know what SIDS is but we do not know its causes. However, on the basis of studies and research carried out all over the world, some behaviors have been identified that can significantly reduce the danger of cot death. these simple rules constitute a fundamental aspect of prevention against SIDS:

  • babies must be put to sleep in a supine position (i.e. belly up) from the first days of life. They should also sleep in a cot or bed, preferably in the parents' room;
  • the environment where the children sleep must never be excessively hot (the preferable temperature is around 20 degrees). Also avoid the excess of clothes and heavy blankets that can make the little ones sweat excessively;
  • the mattress must be the exact size of the crib or cot and never too soft. Do not let children sleep on sofas, stuffed pillows, quilts and, in any case, having soft objects such as plush toys near them;
  • babies must be placed with their feet touching the bottom of the crib or cot so that they cannot slip under the covers. Avoid using the pillow;
  • Watch out for co-sleeping: SIDS is often related to the (bad) habit of letting children sleep in their mum and dad's bed (with the risk of suffocation and more). Room-sharing is much better (place the cradle or cot next to the parents' bed, or in any case in the same room);
  • the environment must be absolutely free from fumes;
  • the use of a pacifier during sleep can help reduce the risk of SIDS, as breathing is facilitated by the position of the tongue and sleep is less profound.

SIDS: testimonies and experiences of mothers

If you want to learn more about the problem, do not forget to visit our forum: here you will come into contact with many mothers who want to share their opinions and experiences and who, like you, are sensitive to the issues of parenting. There is also talk of SIDS, with direct evidence on the Crib Death Syndrome and how much smoking constitutes a danger, exposing your baby to this risk. You will be able to tell each other in a protected environment where you can let yourself go to every outburst and express any doubts freely (will it be dangerous if the child suffers from regurgitation? What precautions did the mothers put in place before you to feel calmer? How did they come out of this fear? ?) and where you can get a lot of valuable advice on the subject from those who are facing your same difficulties at the same time you are experiencing them. You will discover a world made up of many mothers like you, always ready to listen to you and able to support you to never make you feel alone to face the difficulties of every day and of being a mother today.

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