Gay sexual practices

Repression and punishment

There have been times when, in our society, being homosexual was not frowned upon. If in some European countries, such as France, homosexuality has long been punished with prison, in Italy, starting from national unification, it has never been contemplated by the penal code: the State almost refused to recognize its existence, to avoid scandals on a subject whose repression was the task of the Catholic Church. This did not prevent fascism from punishing male homosexual behavior with administrative sanctions, such as reprimand and confinement.

See also

Extreme sex

Sexual experiences: the ones that change your life!

Female sexual disorders: what are the causes and solutions?

Still in 1968 the World Health Organization classified it among mental illnesses.

The golden age of homosexuality

In Greek antiquity, homosexuals enjoyed a completely different reputation. At that time, the Greeks were spontaneously bisexual and homosexual relationships were even part of a ritual of passage into adulthood. For the Romans, homosexuality was more complex, but it was still part of a man's life. Free men had the duty to be "active" in all areas of daily life and therefore had relations with their slaves.

A better knowledge of the body

Contrary to popular belief, homosexual practices are not that different from heterosexual relationships. Anal intercourse is not the focus of the relationship: the two partners give particular importance to caresses and mutual stimulation. The excellent knowledge of the partner's body and its erogenous zones makes caresses even more sweet and sensual, which is not always the case in heterosexual couples. As for fidelity, it seems that men accord a slight preference to autonomy in relationships, but homosexual relationships are no less intimate nor less fusional.

Penetration and fellatio

A symbol of heterosexual sexuality, penetration is not considered an end in itself in homosexual relationships. In men, contrary to popular belief, the use of anal penetration is not systematic: only 36% of gays admit to practicing anal sex with their partner. Instead, reciprocal fellatio is a fundamental practice in homosexual relationships.

Risky practices

We also find them in some heterosexual couples, but these practices are even claimed by some currents of gay thought, as a way to assert one's sexual identity. Even if practiced among consenting adults, some of these practices present numerous risks, especially for sexually transmitted diseases.

By vindicating the principle that everyone is free to live their sexuality however they want, the adepts of barebacking have a cult of unprotected relationships. The term - which in English means "to ride bareback", that is without a saddle - therefore designates having, voluntarily, unprotected sexual relations. At a time when AIDS continues to claim victims, the "barebackers" claim that everyone must be responsible for their own health.

Fist-fucking consists in introducing the hand or fist into the partner's anus. Practicing it can cause damage to the mucous membranes, causing damage that can range from simple irritation or infection to severe bruises and even muscle breaks that cause fecal incontinence.

How to protect yourself

It is never repeated enough: you must always protect yourself during sexual intercourse. Whether penetration is practiced or not, there is a risk of infection or transmission of diseases (such as the AIDS virus). Contagion can occur through oral sex, through contact of the mucous membranes with sperm, or through the exchange of sex toys. For prevention, therefore, it is recommended to use a condom and clean the accessories before exchanging them. It is also recommended to use a condom during penetration.

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