Breaking the waters: how to recognize it and what to do

The rupture of the waters marks the beginning of labor and delivery amniotic sac, which until that moment was intact and guaranteed the fetus protection by allowing its evolutions and movements, broke, causing a transparent serous liquid to escape. But does the breaking of the waters happen in the same way for all of them? How to recognize it, and what to do after the waters have broken?

Water breaking: symptoms to recognize

The leakage of amniotic fluid is usually quite gradual for most women, but for some, the water can rupture suddenly and unexpectedly, although this is quite rare. Recognizing the difference between urine and waters can be potentially difficult. Having a small trickle of urine is quite common in late pregnancy and this can be especially confusing if the waters break during the night. One way to tell if your waters are broken is the different smell of the amniotic fluid, much less strong and acrid than urine. had bowel movements in utero and could be in danger.

See also

Leakage of amniotic fluid: water breakdown or risk?

Dyslexia in children: how to recognize it, symptoms and treatment

Abdominal diastasis: how to recognize it, symptoms and post-partum remedies

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What to do when the waters break?

If you suspect that the water has broken, call the maternity ward or gynecologist to explain what is happening. Keep in mind that delivery begins 12-24 hours after the water breaks and, in some cases, a midwife will also be needed. In general, if the breaking waters are clear, you can wait a little longer and take it slower. If the waters are tinged with blood, it is best to move immediately. Once the waters have broken yours child is less protected against infections and therefore in the interim period one must be very vigilant about personal hygiene. Do not do anything that could introduce bacteria into the vagina. It is recommended to use sterile sanitary pads to stop the liquid and to keep the area clean.

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Premature water breakdown

Although it is a strange feeling, the breakup is not something that should cause concern, even more if it is close to the due date of the birth. However, if you have a premature water break, which occurs before 37 weeks of pregnancy, contact your doctor immediately. This is a rare situation, but one that will need to be evaluated by the gynecologist. Likewise, if you notice anything unusual, such as green or brown water, you should immediately contact your gynecologist or midwife at the hospital.

Childbirth pains: how to deal with them?

The pains of childbirth, after the breaking of the waters, are much feared. In fact, natural childbirth is a difficult path, the pain of which can however be reduced or avoided. Like? With different solutions, from epidural to laughing gas. Tata Simona tells us all the options, in this explanatory video not to be missed.

For more useful information on breaking water, you can view the MSD Manuals website

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