"Happy marriage? Be submissive!"

A rather questionable and certainly strong position was that of Costanza Miriano, a journalist with a Catholic faith and author of the book Get married and be submissive (Vallecchi, 2011) and Marry her and die for her (Sonzogno), released in recent days, where ideological pills and advice are expressed to try to make a marriage work. The conception underlying the two books and which the writer claims as a sort of gospel of couples, would be the need for a woman's submission in respect of roles, considered as a fundamental condition for not wrecking marital unions.

"If a woman wants a concept to get to the head, to the heart of a male specimen of the species in order to" influence its conduct even minimally, words are not only not enough, but at times they can also be counterproductive. Helping the man to improve seems to us automatically to fall within our basic duties, such as respecting the traffic lights, dressing peeled knees with floral patches, putting the satin base before the foundation. But the mother mode makes us unbearable ". This is an excerpt from Miriano's latest book, who continues to argue that women and men are completely different and that therefore we must resign ourselves to this incompatibility and acknowledge it.

Furthermore, the journalist and writer is convinced that there is "a now devastating crisis of male and female identities, the shortage of real men and real women and, therefore, of marriages that work". A position that we are sure will cause much discussion.

See also

Beach wedding: how to organize a sea themed wedding

Wedding phrases: the best wishes to dedicate to the newlyweds

How to organize a wedding: what to do for a dream ceremony

See also:

    • Women and sex: the 10 most popular erotic fantasies
    • All the men it would be better to stay away from
    • Single is beautiful. Ten good reasons to be happy
    • Ten things not to do on a first date

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