December 2018 horoscope: month of love for water signs!

Aries: start all over again!

Dear Aries, the month of November was not easy for you from a sentimental point of view: some of you may have even reached a definitive breakup. Fortunately, December brings back some peace and serenity. Couples who have managed to resist will be able to start over stronger than before, while singles will have the opportunity to put themselves first ... they deserve it! From a professional point of view, Mercury will help you carry out your projects and find new opportunities, especially in the second half of the month: you will experience a truly eventful end of the year, full of encounters and good news.

Taurus: Venus opposite ...

Dear Toro, unfortunately this month of December will be characterized by the opposition of Venus. The planet of love, starting from day 3, will turn its back on you and create tension in your life as a couple. Pay particular attention to the holiday period, which will be particularly delicate: get ready to listen to your partner, try as much as possible to be clear and sincere to avoid stormy quarrels, perhaps in front of friends and relatives! Take advantage of this period to find out if you really are with the right person for you. At work you may experience a difficult moment due to the opposition of Mercury which, fortunately, will only last until day 13. Here are the best adjectives to define your sign:

See also

Signs of water: characteristics, strengths and weaknesses

Born in December: the zodiac sign of the month and its characteristics

Chinese zodiac signs: what are their characteristics

Gemini: a lot of tiredness ...

Dear Gemini, the month of December will be characterized for your sign by a certain tiredness. Mars in an unfavorable position takes away your energy, both from a physical and psychological point of view, and the risk will be to burst out and - especially in the second half of the month - send everyone to that country! The solution? Try, as soon as you have the opportunity, to give yourself a bit of healthy relaxation to regain your strength and better deal with those people who will get on your nerves more and more ... Mercury in opposition from day 13 risks bringing quarrels and tensions, especially in working environment. Be careful not to pour all the nervousness even into the sentimental one ...

Cancer: interesting news!

Dear Cancer, finally the month of December gives you some serenity from the point of view of feelings. If November had brought a bit of a storm between you and your him, now Venus helps you mend the tears, rediscover the dialogue and, if necessary, start over with a new love. Singles could have lucky encounters, especially in the first half of the month, which will also be the luckiest from a business point of view. Until day 13, in fact, interesting news, encounters and opportunities to take on the fly await you, thanks to a nice favorable Mercury. Finally, the favor of Mars gives you grit and energy. Nobody can stop you!

Leo: tension with the partner ...

Dear Leone, December risks being a month of tension, especially on the emotional front. Starting on day 3, the planet Venus will come into an unfavorable aspect for your sign and lead you to seriously question your relationship. Try not to act impulsively and take all the time you need to calmly assess the situation, or you may regret it! On the working front, the best time for you will be the second half of the month, in which you will see your merits finally recognized. If possible, try to avoid important appointments, interviews or meetings in the period from day 2 to day 13, when unfavorable Mercury may be in your way.

Virgo: Opposite Mars ...

Dear Virgo, the month of December, unfortunately, will be marked by the opposition of the planet Mars: you will arrive on New Year's Eve rather tried and tired from a psycho-physical point of view, nervous and with little energy. Of course, the last period was quite eventful, but remember to stop for a moment when you can and give yourself the relaxation you deserve. From day 13, Mercury in an unfavorable position could create blockages in the professional field. Quarrels and misunderstandings with bosses and colleagues are also possible. Fortunately, you will be able to count on Venus's favor for the whole month: love will be your strong point, you will find in your partner all the support and affection you will need.

Libra: the queen of parties!

Dear Libra, yours will be a month of December as you like it: in the name of harmony, peace and serenity. You will be surrounded by interesting and loving people, you will be in high demand (especially in the second half of the month) and you will become the queen of the parties! Mercury in fact helps your social relationships, making them pleasant and providing you with opportunities for fun and new relationships. Love proceeds with serenity for couples, while single women will be very courted! New loves may soon be born. Even in the workplace there will be interesting opportunities, especially from day 13 onwards.

Scorpio: a special month!

Dear Scorpio, are you ready to experience a very, very special month of December? Starting from day 3, the planet Venus will enter your sign, giving you a lot of love and a lot of passion. A really hot end of the year awaits you ... Are you single? Don't worry: until New Year's Eve, with similar stars, anything can happen! Also on the professional front, prizes and bonuses are on the way, especially possible in the lucky period that goes from day 2 to day 13, when Mercury will be in conjunction in your sign. In all this, you can also count on the favor of Mars, ready to give you a truly exceptional physical shape!

Sagittarius: a constant party!

Dear Sagittarius, the month of December will give you some nice surprises! You love to surround yourself with people full of initiative and imagination, adventurers like you, and the second half of the month will see you as the protagonist of a kind of continuous party, in which fun, family affection, friendship and love will all be one! Starting from day 13, Mercury in conjunction in your sign will give you many social occasions, lucky also with regard to business meetings, in which you can meet new people and take opportunities on the fly. The only flaw, in all this, will be the physical shape, not always brilliant ... be careful not to overdo it with all these parties!

Capricorn: the serene is back in love!

Dear Capricorn, you can finally relax: November has been a rather troubled month for your sign, especially from a sentimental point of view. With December we change music! Venus returns to smile at you and even the most troubled issues of the heart will find their solution. For some of you this could mean a definitive break, but you are not one who fears loneliness: you will be able to find all your strength starting from yourself. Others, on the other hand, will be able to give a new life to their relationship, rediscovering the joy and passion that seemed to no longer exist. At work, bet everything on the lucky period, the one between day 2 and 13!

Aquarius: heart problems ...

Dear Aquarius, unfortunately the month of December does not smile at you on the feelings front ... starting from day 3, Venus will become unfavorable to your sign: you may find yourself spending the holidays in a not so peaceful atmosphere with your partner or, in some cases, even as a single. Fortunately, friendships will take care of cheering you up, and you certainly won't suffer from loneliness! You will be surrounded by the affection of many people close to you and, especially in the second half of the month, there will be moments of joy and fun. At work, blockages or tensions may occur in the period between day 2 and 13, but don't worry: from 14 onwards, even the most complex situations will find a solution.

Pisces: how much passion!

Dear Pisces, the holiday season for your sign can be described with one word: passion! Venus, in fact, will be the great protagonist of your month of December, ready to give you love as much as I can. Singles should keep their eyes open, because meetings are favored, especially in the first part of the month. Furthermore, up to day 13, good news could also arrive in the workplace, while from that date onwards, instead, a blockage or an unclear situation could occur that you will struggle to solve until after the holidays. Mars in conjunction makes you super energetic, full of grit and desire to do. Nobody can stop you!

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