What is the kissing hormone and how it works

That kissing is good is a fact. And even if there are many types of kisses to experiment, we do not get discouraged, on the contrary: we experiment. But did you know, instead, that there is a kissing hormone? Yes, kisspeptin. Produced by the brain and then ignited by male pheromones, it would be able to generate sexual arousal and increase desire. Before delving into this, take a look at how to make your lips kiss-proof:

The kissing hormone: kisspeptin

A Belgian and German research, based on mice, found that kisspeptin, which is produced by kissing, in turn transmits the signal to other neurons that release gonadotropin to trigger sexual behaviors. According to this research, the absence of kisspeptin could therefore negatively influence sexual attraction, cause a decrease in desire in women or, in general, a low sexual desire for some women. How to solve the "problem"? Kiss and be kissed always, because the kiss is the antechamber of a serene and passionate sexuality!

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