How to grow eyelashes: from natural remedies to the most effective beauty treatments

With this article you will find out how to grow your eyelashes, you can try a natural remedy or contact a professional for a targeted treatment. To complete the gaze area, also dedicated to the eyebrows, with a studied make-up you can draw them perfectly, in a few minutes giving them a sensual but very natural shape. Watch the video and find out how easy it is to outline them with makeup and give your look a boost of charm!

How to grow eyelashes: avoid waterproof and eyelash extensions

The drooping, without curvature, or very short eyelashes do not make the look lively and open, but afflicted and asleep. What are the best remedies to make them thick, long and curved? Here are some tips and indications on specific eyelash treatments.
First of all, it is best to avoid waterproof mascaras and eyelash extensions. Waterproof is too resistant and to remove all its residues you end up damaging the eyelashes and often also the eye, which has to undergo the action of too aggressive or too oily detergents, and the prolonged rubbing of a mountain of make-up remover pads. Waterproof mascara should be used on special occasions, by the sea, if it's hot and the make-up tends to melt, if you participate in an event that lasts many hours. The application of lash extensions should also be very limited, especially if they are very thick. The glue may be unsuitable for very sensitive skin; furthermore, fake hair creates a weight problem for real eyelashes. However, there are treatments such as lamination or lash filler, which can give you natural dark and voluminous lashes.

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How to grow eyelashes: removing make-up well is important

The use of delicate make-up removers and products for sensitive eyes is also of fundamental importance. Eyelashes must be carefully and thoroughly removed. You can use micellar waters or if the makeup is heavier than oil-based biphasics. The way in which make-up is removed is also important: never rub the eye too vigorously, so as not to make it red or weaken and detach the eyelashes. The make-up remover pad, soaked in liquid, should be placed for a few seconds on the closed eyelid to dissolve the make-up: then gently wipe it from top to bottom; to remove any further residue, you can carefully pass a cotton swab soaked in micellar water between the lashes. Then cleanse the area around the eyes and the whole face with a mild cleanser, perhaps a milk with aloe vera, or with a soap for impure skin, if you have problems with blackheads and acne. Make-up residues, which often remain even after removing make-up from the eyes, accumulate and weaken the lashes at the root. The damage is greater if you don't remove your make-up at all in the evening, before going to bed. The damage affects not only the eyelashes, but also the skin of the face, especially the lower eyelid area. Not removing make-up is not hygienic and also leads to premature aging of the skin and weakening of the eyelashes, which become thinner and fall more abundantly.

See also: Eyelashes, to me! Treatments for long and thick eyelashes

Treatments for thick and long eyelashes

How to grow eyelashes: here are our tips

Having long and thick eyelashes makes the look charming and attractive. The eyelashes give depth and intensity to the eyes, but above all they protect them from any inflammation caused by external agents. If the lashes are thick, even a very light make-up is enough to make the eyes beautiful and interesting; if your lashes are short and thin, you need to embellish them with more elaborate make-up, using various pencils and eye shadows. Sometimes the lashes do not grow healthy and thick due to stress, poor quality cosmetics or a deficient or unregulated diet. But making them grow back is more difficult than it is for the hair. For this you need to take the utmost care as for the skin of the face and eyebrows. Eyelashes fall out and then grow back every five months. To make them less fragile and make them grow in good health, both specific products on the market and natural remedies can be used. Here are our summarized tips: always clean your eyelids thoroughly, because even small infections cause eyelash loss; do not rub your eyes too much, when you take your make-up off, try to soften the make-up and dab them with damp pads; do not go to bed without removing make-up; do not pull the eyelids with the eyelash curlers; take breaks when using eyelash extensions; mascara should be changed every three months to avoid bacterial infections; choose volumizing mascaras, but moisturizing and delicate; use serums that strengthen keratin with caution; follow a diet with lots of vitamins and proteins.

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Castor oil: grandma's natural remedy

Castor oil is a natural remedy, but undoubtedly effective in terms of eyelash growth. This very thick oil acts on keratin, a substance contained in the eyelashes. Castor oil strengthens lashes, makes them longer, more voluminous, nourishes and moisturizes them. However, care must be taken when applying it before going to sleep on the eyelashes, using a well-cleaned mascara brush, because it must not come into contact with the inner part of the eye, as it could burn and oily the cornea. It is also good if applied on the eyebrows; it is an inexpensive product that you can easily find in every pharmacy, herbalist's shop and even online on Amazon, by purchasing it with free and fast shipping. In addition to castor oil you can use 4 drops of coconut oil rich in nutritional properties or olive oil effective and free of contraindications, Even the beaten egg yolk can be applied on the eyelashes for an hour with a cotton swab , and then rinse the part abundantly with cold water.
You can also use special serums to grow lashes, but not all of them really bring real benefits. So, you have to buy them with caution. They are applied to the lashes or their hairline in the evening for a couple of months. They are usually mascara shaped. It is advisable to always opt for vegetable oils, amino acids and vitamins. The hair will become thicker and longer, the lashes will become more resistant and much less will fall out. Be careful of serums that contain prosglandins or bimatiprost, used for eye drops against ocular hypertension, which used on healthy eyes, can cause negative effects, such as irritation and change in color of the iris.

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