Hikikomori: a social phenomenon that cannot leave indifferent (and the data are truly alarming)

The term hikikomori means a person who chooses to close himself off from the surrounding world. As we will see, the causes of this individual choice can be many and different: sometimes the help of a psychotherapist is needed to react to a latent depressive state and find a smile again. Watch the video we created for you and find out how to wake up every day on the right foot, charged and enthusiastic about life!

Who are the hikikomori: what does this social phenomenon mean and how it manifests itself

"Hikikomori" is a Japanese term. In Italian we could translate it as "being on the sidelines" and infected identifies a sort of spontaneous withdrawal from social life for a shorter or longer period. The hikikomori withdraw from all forms of social contact for a few months but some even for many years: they simply shut themselves up at home and refuse the most usual contacts, even those with their parents within the same house. The outside world is quickly cut off. out of their lives, all contact is avoided with all their strength. But who are the hikikomori? It seems that this social phenomenon affects male boys aged 14 to 30, although in recent times there are also many young women . In short, girls are less accustomed to this closure but not completely immune. In Japan there are over 1 million confirmed cases of young boys retired into their homes, closed to any kind of social contact, and among them many have even more than 30 years, because the over 40s involved in this attitude are really numerous. This type of attitude becomes chronic and it is increasingly difficult to overcome it, sometimes being a hikikomo ri is a choice that then accompanies the young person throughout his life. If Japan is the place with the highest concentration of hikikomori, don't think that in the rest of the world the phenomenon is non-existent. In Italy this particular attitude is in the spotlight of psychotherapists and there are more and more cases of
hikikomori in our country. There is no mention of an exclusively Japanese cultural syndrome, as was initially believed, but rather of an adaptive social malaise found in all the developed countries of the world. We do not know how many cases there are in Italy but according to reliable estimates and a first attempt at data there are about 100 thousand cases.

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Hikikomori due to school or family: the importance of understanding the causes of this attitude

By continuing to read this article you will discover all the causes that push a boy or a girl, the child of consumerism and developed countries to close themselves off from the outside world and become a hikikomori.
The causes can be character causes: because hikikomori are intelligent, sensitive boys who show a shy and introverted character from a young age. They have difficulty establishing social relationships and any type of relationship, closing themselves off from the world is a way to keep themselves safe from the disappointments and sufferings of life. Again, the causes can be familiar, such as the absence of the father figure, an excessive attachment to the mother figure, especially in countries where communication in the family is often poorer: in Japan it is more difficult for a parent to relate in an open way. and communicative with their child. Behind the choice of being a hikikomori there is sometimes a scholastic cause, so much so that refusing school is seen today as one of the first symptoms of those who will show this tendency and this explains why so many episodes of bullying can then generate such closures towards the outside world. Finally, the social causes must be considered, the hikikomori always develop a very negative vision of society for which they try to escape from society and its rules.

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Hikikomori: consequences of the isolation of the Japanese phenomenon that is spreading all over the world

The hikikomori close themselves to the outside of the world, this leads them to a growing difficulty and demotivation and then to the rejection of life. A consequence not to be underestimated is the addiction to the internet which in some cases is considered the triggering cause of the phenomenon. often in fact that the young person spends a lot of time on the internet and therefore loses interest in what happens in real life. But recent studies have shown that internet addiction is a consequence and not a cause. take refuge in a parallel and virtual life.
Precisely to counter this social phenomenon in our country and to slow its progressive increase, a "dedicated association," Hikikomori Italia "was born with the aim of informing, raising awareness and shedding light on a trend that is not yet sufficiently known and on which "is a lot of misinformation. The purpose of the Hikikomori Italia association is not to cure, but only to explain, to face the problem with awareness, avoiding superficial judgments. The association has another ambitious goal:
provide Italian children who feel close to this condition or who are aware of having a disorder of this type. At the same time it is necessary to provide assistance to those who find themselves living with a child in this condition, because even today the parents of hikikomori are misunderstood and not sufficiently protected even from the point of view of psychological support and dedicated guidelines for management. and interaction with children afflicted by this disorder. Understanding how to establish a relationship with a person who refuses any relationship or social contact is a fundamental need for parents that allows them to face this long journey without feeling alone.

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Hikikomori: the symptoms to always pay close attention to and the treatment of ailments

A true definition of hikikomori at the international level does not yet exist, but the Ministry of Health in Japan has already drawn up a list of specific symptoms and characteristics to pay attention to. The hikikomori chooses a lifestyle completely centered in the walls of the house, does not show interest in what happens outside the door and does not even want to put their feet out of their home. He has no interest in people, neither in friends nor in colleagues. The social withdrawal to which he undergoes is never temporary, but has lasted for at least 6 months. Symptoms can vary from one individual to another and are naturally also influenced by cultural habits and different needs. A notable wake-up call is the time the hikikomori spends in his bedroom. His relationship with the outside world is filtered by the internet because the only contact with the world outside his room is through chat, social networks and video games.
Hikikomori is a psycho-sociological phenomenon, which can affect children, adolescents and adults under 30 but which then becomes chronic and can also last for a lifetime.
Before making a diagnosis of hikikomori it is necessary to exclude the presence of a psychiatric disorder of greater severity (schizophrenia, mental retardation, depression) which could be the basis for the choice of a social withdrawal.
If you are experiencing a situation of closure towards the outside or if you know someone who could be a hikikomori, consult a psychotherapist to deal with the situation in the most appropriate way, with the advice of a specialist. The treatment of this disorder that afflicts these children is a long and delicate process that requires the opinion of the competent doctors.

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