Test: which Sanremo 2020 finalist song are you?

Sanremo 2020 made us talk a lot, made us dream, made us smile. The festival has had many intense moments, and some more scoop in recent years. But since "Sanremo is Sanremo" the emotions linked to the songs, the singers and the songs cannot be missing. And if the final evening took us for a long time on a controversial and somewhat unexpected podium, all in all it was worth it. Which of the finalist songs are you? Watch this video first and then take our test:

Test: which Sanremo 2020 finalist song are you?

So Diodato, Gabbani and nuclear tactical Penguins got on the podium ... even if the festival, both musically and not, had many peaks, the ranking spoke like this. Now do you want to know which of these three authors and songs represents you the most? Take the test and find out:

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Sanremo has given voice to the history of Italian music, which famous song of the festival are you? Take the quiz:

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