Method 77: how to eliminate cellulite in seven steps

The number one enemy of us women - cellulite - can be really insidious and difficult to fight, especially if you don't choose the right tools.
Many do not know how to intervene to eliminate this imperfection also because they are continually confused by the discordant news that suggests a different solution each time. In short, it is really difficult to find your way around this "supermarket" of anti-cellulite remedies.

And it is not just a question of "who to listen to", but also of how to combine the various steps that are suggested to eliminate the notorious orange peel: nutrition, physical activity, treatments, herbal teas and some remedies of the grandmother, who can never missing - but which almost never has scientific foundations, nor efficacy.

How to choose the right approach? According to Elisa De Luca, author of Method 77, the first thing to do is to know your enemy from a scientific point of view, understand how it is generated and then act accordingly.

In fact, all treatments, exercises and nutrition care must be integrated within a system, with precise times and in a specific sequence.

What is Method 77

Method 77 is a step-by-step anti-cellulite system based on 7 rules to fight cellulite and tone up in 7 weeks.

The difference from everything you have tried to date is substantial. Not only are the rules based on precise scientific principles, but they are also linked in an integrated and easy to follow path - even if you have little time available and you do not have the possibility to join the gym - which will guide you day by day, explaining exactly what to do and how to do it.

You will not need surgery, or a personal trainer, or expensive professional treatments. Determination and perseverance will be enough to reach the goal.

Curious to find out how it works? Here is a small preview of the 7 steps!

See also

A brush is enough to eliminate cellulite: here's how to do it correctly b

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1. Learn the principles

Knowing the principles behind female fitness is essential.
This first step will allow you to know the real causes of cellulite and learn how to prevent it. For example, many are surprised that to combat water retention it is necessary to drink.
Not only that, you will be explained the difference between cellulite and fat (they are not the same thing!) And the truth about localized weight loss.

2. Set the path

In 89% of cases, cellulite is caused by physiological processes that are almost always triggered by hormonal problems; for this reason it is important to set a precise path, based on scientific and medical foundations, and not be convinced by the "yet another" miraculous "remedy that obviously does not exist.

Not only that: often we worry about the problem only when it is time to uncover the legs, therefore in spring, without taking into account the fact that cellulite is a disease with a progressive course, that is, that worsens as time passes until it arrives. at stage 4, of irreversible cellulite.
The sooner you intervene, therefore, the more you have the chance to improve the situation.

3. Eat scientifically

Nutrition is essential to combat the orange peel; there are absolutely forbidden foods and others that, on the other hand, can help you dispose of excess liquids and waste. Not only. In this chapter you will learn how to monitor your diet in a few minutes with the use of your mobile phone, how to lose weight up to 2 kg per month by eliminating the hidden calories that we often take without knowing it and how to run for cover after a binge using a simple chemical principle.

You will also learn to recognize your biotype - android or "apple", or gynoid or "pear" - and to understand in which areas of the body it will be easier for you to lose weight with "adequate nutrition."
If, for example, you have an "apple" body, you will tend to accumulate weight in the upper part of the body and, in case of weight loss, to lose it first in the lower part.

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4. Use the most modern training protocols

Are you among those who have been enrolled in the gym for months and months but do not see a result that is one, despite the commitment and fatigue? Perhaps it is because the methods used derive from methodologies dating back to the 70s designed for men and poorly adapted to women.
Fortunately, today there are new female training tools and protocols capable of stimulating specific circulatory processes and ensuring results in just 30 minutes, even at home!

In particular, to combat cellulite (by reactivating the microcirculation) and developing the leg muscles, science has shown that the only system is to subject the muscles to a certain effort, for a certain time and under specific angles.

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5. Harness the power of the sea

If table salt is one of those foods that should absolutely be eliminated from the diet because it causes water retention, the whole sea salt applied to the skin is instead a panacea to fight it. This is because, thanks to the principle of osmosis, it frees the cells from metabolic waste and drains excess fluids.

Have you ever felt your legs feel lighter after a walk in the sea? Well, it was not just a sensation, but a real result given by the balancing effect of the integral sea salt, which contains within it the 72 trace elements present in sea water.
Remember, however, not to confuse it with common table salt which undergoes a refining process that reduces its trace elements to just 2: chlorine and sodium.

6. Take care of your skin

If you too have tried to reduce cellulite with cosmetic treatments such as muds, creams and bandages and you have not succeeded (but you have spent a lot of money), it is because they only act superficially.
However, there are tools capable of activating lipolysis - that is, the dissolution of fats - by activating the microcirculation and acting in depth on the causes of cellulite.

One of these is SlimCUP, a silicone cup whose operation is as simple as it is ingenious. Squeezing the cup and applying it to the skin will create a "suck" that will lift the connective tissue just like a masseur would do with his hands.
Not only that: by sliding the cup from the bottom to the top of the leg, you will also create a lymphatic drainage effect, useful for fighting water retention.


7. Follow the schedule and don't give up

In the last chapter of the book you will find a real roadmap that will guide you day by day in this path. You will never feel alone, on the contrary, you will be constantly supported, and even in moments of despair, when you would like to give up everything, it will teach you not to do it but to continue straight towards the result Another thing we liked is that by purchasing the book you have the author's email available to ask for advice and clarifications.

Well, if this innovative and 360 ° approach to cellulite intrigues you and you want to try something completely different from everything you have seen to date ... you just have to buy Metodo77 from here.

In collaboration with SlimCup

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