Love handles: how to eliminate them with exercises and diet

The abdomen is a preferential storage site for fat. The excess fat is often concentrated in the hips as well, giving rise to the so-called "love handles", an imperfection with a romantic name, but annoying and difficult to combat for many.

To eradicate love handles in a concrete way, an integrated approach based on proper nutrition and a regular program of physical activity, which includes targeted and constant exercises, is essential.

Then, why not, you can help yourself with creams, massages and beauty treatments.

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What are love handles and why are they called that

But why are these unsightly rolls that bother us so much called love handles if, in fact, nobody loves them?

Well the reason is very simple, they are called that because it is possible to use these fatty swellings during the passionate act of love, to cling better, in short.

And we are certainly not the only ones adopting this term. The British also call them love handles.

Exercises aimed at fighting love handles

If you don't feel like going to the gym, you still have no excuses, because the exercises to remove the love handles and sculpt the abs are simple and can also be done at home.

Here are a couple that you can start making right away.

Stand with your legs slightly apart and your arms extended along your body. From this starting position, flex your torso slightly to one side: keep your back straight. In doing the movement you will have to contract the oblique abdominals: in this way you will work the abdominal muscle and you will protect your back.
Then return to the starting position and bend in the opposite direction. The movements must be small and fast: the hands slide along the thigh until they almost touch the knees. Repeat the exercise 50 times for 3 repetitions. In between, take a 1 minute break.

Side crunches
Begin in a seated position with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Bring your shoulders back slightly while keeping your back straight and try to get into a comfortable position by contracting your abdominal muscles. Extend your arms in front of you and twist your torso from side to side. To further increase the difficulty, lift your feet off the floor or use an exercise ball in your hands.

In addition to these, add some cardio activity: aerobics and running are the best workouts for burning localized fat.

Here is a video with additional exercises dedicated to the abdominals.

The perfect diet to eliminate love handles

Finally, let's move on to nutrition, which is also important for reducing abdominal fat, including love handles.

The best friend of the diet involves a massive consumption of vegetables because it purifies the body and still gives the right amount of sugars and carbohydrates necessary for our body.

In general, prefer wholemeal pasta to normal, white meat to red, limiting the portions. 70 grams of pasta seasoned with vegetables.

On the other hand, foods that are too seasoned, fried and above all sweets should be banned, because our body tends to store saturated fats, thus increasing the supply of lipids and, consequently, localized fat.

To eliminate love handles, it is therefore not necessary to fast or undergo exhausting diets, you can lose weight by eating ... The right foods.

Very important then, to intervene on the metabolism and awaken it if it is excessively slow. How to do? Try to eat little but more often. So in addition to the three basic meals of the day, breakfast, lunch and dinner, also add two snacks, obviously dietary, which will be essential to lose weight in a targeted manner and achieve a flat and toned stomach.

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