Headaches in pregnancy: causes, symptoms and natural remedies for migraine

Headache in pregnancy affects many women: it is in fact a rather common ailment. In the first trimester in particular, migraine is one of the most common symptoms of conception, together with nausea and vomiting, and can lead to more or less intense pain in the head.

If at the beginning of pregnancy the headache is mainly due to hormonal changes, during the same it can be due to different factors: the most common are generally anxiety, nausea, poor diet, physical fatigue.

Pregnant women can deal with headaches with natural remedies and lots of rest. Instead, you need to be more careful if the headaches involve acute pain and are prolonged. In these cases they could be symptoms of a more serious problem and you will need to contact your doctor to investigate and avoid complications.

Let's find out together everything there is to know about headaches in pregnancy, from symptoms to causes up to the most effective natural remedies to fight it. Meanwhile - since migraines can also be caused by a "wrong diet - here's to you a video on the foods to watch out for during pregnancy:

What are the causes of headaches in pregnancy?

Headaches in pregnancy often affect women in the first trimester of gestation, even those who generally do not suffer from migraines and who are new to this type of pain. For those who usually suffer from it, on the other hand, two polar opposite cases can occur: some women experience a worsening of their headache, while for others there is a real improvement of the disorder!

The cause of these changes is related to the hormonal changes themselves and in particular to estrogen which, in general, increases the production of endorphins that relieve pain, especially between the second and third trimesters. It is not clear, however, why in some cases a worsening of migraine occurs, but usually from the second trimester onwards the headache tends to pass spontaneously: hormone levels are now stable.

Among the other causes that can lead a woman to suffer from headaches during pregnancy are stress, sleep disturbances, excessive tiredness, an incorrect diet (in particular a lack of vitamins and minerals such as folic acid and magnesium or excessive consumption of certain foods and food preservatives), dehydration, anemia, allergies, posture problems.

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Migraine in the first trimester: when headache is a symptom of pregnancy

Headache can be one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. In the first few weeks after conception, many women suffer from migraines, breast tension, excessive fatigue and mood swings, nausea and vomiting.

As we have seen, this headache will tend to disappear after the first trimester of gestation, when the hormones that cause it have finally settled.

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What symptoms do you need to worry about during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, as we have said, it is common to suffer from headaches and, in general, this disorder should not cause particular concern. Care must be taken, however, when it occurs constantly or particularly sharply, as it could be a symptom of "another pathology."

It could be a real migraine when the pain occurs recurrently, for several days, with a rather severe intensity and a pulsating type. In these cases, it is often accompanied by other disorders such as nausea, vomiting and general hypersensitivity to light. , smells and sounds.

If the pain lasts many days in a row in a constant manner and generates the famous "circle" in the head, it could be a headache, usually dictated by posture problems or by stress and anxiety, all disorders that are easy to find for a pregnant woman. . Also pay attention if there are symptoms of a possible sinusitis which the headache may be associated with, or flu states. It will always be good, to get a correct diagnosis, to immediately go to your doctor.

In severe (and fortunately rare) cases, headaches (acute and excruciating) can be a symptom of pre-eclampsia, a pregnancy complication that leads to hypertension, dizziness, edema of the hands or face and abdominal pain. The consequences, in these cases, can be quite serious: if you have a sudden and very strong headache, contact your doctor immediately!

How to cure pregnancy headache without drugs: natural remedies

During pregnancy it is always better not to resort to drugs and to prefer natural remedies: this obviously also applies to headaches, which can sometimes be really annoying and debilitating! Under the supervision of your doctor, you can resort to the use of paracetamol, usually granted even in pregnancy and always under strict prescription.

If you are looking for natural remedies, however, you can try cold packs, which are usually effective. Massages - especially in the neck area - can also help you release tension. See an osteopath if necessary to correct your posture. The first remedy, the really necessary one, is rest: sleeping as much as possible will be of great help.

Always remember to hydrate yourself by drinking two liters of water a day and to follow a correct and balanced diet. Even moderate physical activity can help prevent headaches during pregnancy.

For further scientific information on the subject, you can consult the website of the Veronesi Foundation.

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