April 2021 Horoscope: Taurus comeback!

Aries: with the Sun in the sign!

Dear Aries, April will be a beautiful month for you, with the Sun shining in your sign! The planet Venus will be in conjunction until mid-month, and luck in the field of feelings will be guaranteed. Furthermore, starting from day 4, the planet Mercury will also be in your sign: there will be opportunities for meeting, both in a professional and personal sphere. Singles will conquer! If you are carrying out a project that is particularly close to your heart, you may receive some help or some nice confirmations. Mars will give you so much more energy until day 23.

See also

April zodiac sign: are you Aries or Taurus?

Taurus, characteristics and secrets: the whole truth about the zodiac sign!

Taurus ascendant: personality and main characteristics

Taurus: time for revenge!

Dear Toro, 2021 has not started in the best way for you, but now you can finally take a good revenge! In fact, starting from day 14, the planet Venus will abandon the sign of Aries to enter yours, ready to give you a really lucky period in terms of feelings. Many couples will choose to make important plans for the future. Furthermore, starting from day 19, the planet Mercury will also hit the mark: at work some somewhat complicated situations will be able to resolve themselves and you could get a nice victory.

Gemini: a lucky month!

Dear Gemini, the month of April will be very lucky for your sign! Starting from day 4, the planet Mercury will stop hindering your projects and will return to favor you in the field of work. Its positive influence, together with that of Jupiter, will guarantee success and recognition. In love, focus on the first half of the month, when you can count on a beautiful Venus in a favorable aspect, ready to strengthen your relationship. Mars, in conjunction until day 23, guarantees you a lot of strength and energy!

Cancer: ups and downs ...

Dear Cancer, the month of April has some ups and downs for your sign. Sentimentally, you will only be able to enjoy the favor of Venus in the second half of the month. Until day 14, in fact, the planet of love will have a dissonant aspect and there may be some tension in your life as a couple. Even from a professional point of view, you should wait until the end of April to make a proposal or present a project: starting from day 19, in fact, the planet Mercury will stop putting a spoke in the wheel and will act in your favor.

Leo: better in the first half ...

Dear Leo, your month of April will be much better in its first half, when you can count on the favor of Venus, Mars and Mercury. The planet of love will be on your side until day 14: from that date on, heated discussions with your partner could arise and, in some cases, real quarrels. On the work front, you should focus on the period between day 4 and day 19, when Mercury will help you find the right allies and the right opportunities. Be careful not to step too hard: with Jupiter in opposition, a lot of caution is required in business!

Virgo: energy recovery!

Dear Virgo, April begins for your sign with the planet Mercury in opposition, but do not worry: this unfavorable aspect will last only until day 4, then, little by little, you will be able to find a little more serenity, especially in the scope of work. The last part of the month will be decidedly more fortunate than the first: new opportunities could come from day 19 onwards, while in love you can count on a beautiful favorable Venus starting from day 14. Even the planet Mars will return to smile at you at the end of the month. , guaranteeing your sign a nice recovery of energy.

Libra: opposite planets ...

Dear Libra, unfortunately April does not start in the best way for your sign, and you will have to wait until the second half of the month to be able to breathe a good sigh of relief! Until day 14, in fact, you will have to deal with the opposition of Venus: there will be real moments of crisis in your love life, which fortunately will be able to resolve themselves after that date. From a professional point of view, however, you will have to collide with a Mercury in opposition between day 4 and day 19: it is better to wait until the end of the month to make a proposal or step forward for a new job.

Scorpio: count on Mars!

Dear Scorpio, try to make the most of the first part of the month to settle all the outstanding issues affecting both your private and professional life. Starting from day 14, in fact, the planet Venus will enter in opposition to your sign, followed a few days later by the planet Mercury: in the last weeks of April it will be more complicated to be able to dialogue and find an agreement, whether it be discussions with your partner. than with bosses and colleagues in the office. Fortunately, starting from day 23, Mars will take care of giving you so much more energy!

Sagittarius: good opportunities, but a lot of stress!

Dear Sagittarius, the month of April will be lucky for your sign, both professionally and emotionally. The planet Mercury, unfavorable until day 4, will return to smile at you, ready to give you new job opportunities and to guarantee, together with a splendid Jupiter, the success of your businesses. Venus, for its part, will give you so much more luck in love, especially in the first half of the month. However, you will have to deal with the planet Mars, in opposition until day 23: until that date you could experience strong moments of stress and energy drops.

Capricorn: misunderstandings ...

Dear Capricorn, the month of April does not open in the best way for your sign, who will have to deal with a Venus in an unfavorable position until day 14 and an equally unfavorable Mercury until day 19. Communication with others, whether it is relatives or colleagues, it will not be favored by the stars and misunderstandings may arise at home or in the office. Better, however, in the second half of the month, when Venus will bring back the serene in your life as a couple and Mercury will help you solve work problems. Mars, in opposition from day 23, will bring a little more fatigue.

Aquarius: don't wait!

Dear Aquarius, in the first half of April you will be able to count on a beautiful favorable Venus, which will help your couple to strengthen and feel more complicit and closer. Unfortunately, starting from day 14, some more misunderstandings could arise. At work, you should not wait and act by day 19, when - in addition to the favor of Jupiter in conjunction - you can also count on that of the planet Mercury, which will procure new contacts and new opportunities for you. The planet Mars, favorable until day 23, will give you so much more strength.

Pisces: great!

Dear Pisces, April will be a lucky month for your sign, especially in its second half, when you can count on the favor of Venus and Mercury. The planet of love is ready to give you great satisfaction starting from day 14: singles could make important meetings, while couples will love to make plans for their future together. At work, some good confirmation or new opportunities could arrive starting from day 19. The last part of April will also mark a good recovery from a physical point of view: Mars will return to act in your favor, giving you health and energy.

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