The sun? Reduces female mortality

The sun, in small doses, is good for women's health so as to reduce their mortality. This was supported by a "Swedish survey carried out by doctors from Karolinska University Hospital and Lund University Hospital. The latter" took a sample of about 30,000 women between 25 and 64 with very fair skin, and then followed them for 20 years.

It emerged that the mortality rate among those who avoided sun exposure is twice as high as that of the others. This is due to the lack of vitamin D. Their advice, therefore, would be not to worry about taking the sun.

This position is strongly criticized by American dermatologists, who instead reiterate: "It is known that exposure to the sun increases the risk of skin tumors developing, it is essential to avoid the rays, protect yourself with filters and stay in the shade as much as possible. . The risk of vitamin D deficiency can easily be compensated for with food sources, fortified foods or supplements that contain it. ”And the question arises: who will be right?

See also

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The sun reduces the mortality of women