Cats with eyeshadow: the new Japanese trend (photo)

The Japanese company is extremely avant-garde and dependent on new technologies. This time, the victims of Japanese creativity are cats who have owners who are a little too bored.

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Some have unnatural hair color, others sport false lashes, and still others have eye shadow on their lids. It seems that those who make up their pets only use special cosmetics that do not damage the cat's hair or skin, however ... are we sure they like it?

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On the one hand we find those who think that this practice is a pleasant diversion, a way to spend a couple of different hours together with their pet and on the other hand, there are those who argue that a cat should be a cat, without the need of nail polishes or false eyelashes: which side are you on?

Check out these adorable photos of puppies and babies!

Tags:  News - Gossip Old-Luxury In Shape