8 ways to make a long distance relationship work even after the holidays

In the summer you fall in love, it is useless to deny it. We fall in love with the ice cream parlor open until late, the pastry shop that opens very early and that boy with the mysterious look who allowed us to discover ice cream and pastry shops.
And "he is the one we fooled around with, from reckless dives to excursions that ended with an unusual bungee jump, as" happened to this couple.

  1. · 1. Talk to each other
  2. · 2. Do a lot of sexting
  3. · 3. Know yourself
  4. · 4. Relax
  5. · 5. Get organized
  6. · 6. Welcome one into the life of the other
  7. · 7. Make an appointment
  8. · 8. Remember that you are human

Once you return home, the paths diverge, the old habits return and it is difficult to keep the flame alive without stopping during your days together.
How can you tell if it is true love and if it is meant to last?

See also

Long-distance love: how to make this relationship work

Distance relationship: 10 psychology tips to make it work

100 questions for couples to get to know each other and make the relationship work

1. Talk to each other

Not every day, all day and at any time, otherwise you will end up blowing each other's air, but it is really important to tell you how you feel and to share what you would share if you were together.
It won't be easy at first, but if yours is true love you will find a way to make it work.

2. Do a lot of sexting

Since you are in different places, there are things that cannot be done in two ... Use your imagination and pretend to be in the same place, to do it you do not have to constantly send risqué photos, especially because you never know what happens to them the pictures we send!

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3. Know yourself

A relationship like this, especially if it is the first of its kind that you live, will certainly teach you to know what your limits are and, of course, to discover gradually which ones are yours.
Try to figure out where you can go and adjust your shot.

4. Relax

You can't control him and he can't control you - trust me!
There is no point in piling up and getting angry, especially since being distant, every slightest quarrel can turn into a conflict of global proportions. Take life as it comes, you will gain in health.

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5. Get organized

When things get tense, and if both of you think the same, arrange a meeting. It can also be a halfway town, a neutral place ready to welcome your love. Time together, if you are meant to be united, will cure all evil.

6. Welcome one into the life of the other

When you see each other try to introduce yourself to friends, don't be afraid to share who you are when you are not in the place where you met. Knowing who he goes out with if he's not with you will certainly reassure you!

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7. Make an appointment

The fact that you are not together physically does not mean that you cannot be together at all! You can make an appointment for a movie, see it together and comment on it once it's finished. You can video call during a concert, during the happy birthday song ... You just have to be clear what your priorities are!

8. Remember that you are human

There will be bad days, there will be days when you will feel like you are touching the sky with your finger and others when it will seem not worth it: everything is absolutely normal. You are both human and you must not forget that. Given the distance, however, if you are sure of what you feel, do not be stingy with statements!

Tags:  Love-E-Psychology Lifestyle Old-Couple