The epidural becomes a right

Until now, just over 10% of Italian mothers managed to obtain anesthesia at the time of childbirth, compared to 70% in the United Kingdom, 60% in Spain, 35% in France, 30% in Germany. it was often the lack of anesthetists, not always present in the structures, and absent during the night, where instead the deliveries are concentrated.

To date, less than 20% of hospitals guarantee a 24-hour anesthesia service, despite the fact that years ago the Italian government established that it is women's right to choose how and where to give birth. The epidural will be guaranteed in public hospitals day and night and the price (which until now ranged from 50-250 euros for the public to 2,500 euros for the private sector) will be free.

“It couldn't wait any longer. A choice of civilization », comments Francesca Merzagora, president of the O.N.Da association, the National Observatory on Women's Health.

See also

Epidural: procedure, risks and cost of anesthesia for childbirth

Endometriosis and pregnancy: you can become a mother even with this pathology

Test: are you ready to be a dad?

See also:

    • Caesarean section: opportunities, risks and abuses
    • The epidural, what is it?
    • Anti-aging foods

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