5 reasons short women are the best

First of all, there are no women who are not the best, after 2000 years we have learned to understand that the only way to do it is to believe in ourselves. transform their own weaknesses, or presumed such, into real strengths.
Ready to meet them?

  1. · 1. They are not looking for a taller boyfriend
  2. · 2. There are no dresses that are too short
  3. · 3. They can mask crazy grit thanks to their portable Venus look
  4. · 4. They have no (large) space claims
  5. 5. They are always in the first row in family photos (or they can hide in second)

1. They are not looking for a taller boyfriend

Short women aren't looking for a taller boyfriend because essentially 97% of the guys around them are taller than them and that's absolutely gorgeous. If some girls over sixty-three meters choose to fall in love with only xy chromosomes that are taller than them, the short ones literally have the world at their feet (and we don't say this just because, for a pocket-sized woman, the floor is closer than they are. what happens to one who gets to grab the cereal from the top shelf).

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2. There are no dresses that are too short

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Let's put the record straight, there are very very short dresses, but women who are not too tall have a harder time meeting them. In most cases, the labels ignore the length of our legs and we find very tall with ankle-length trousers, which should not be ankle-length, and short pants with long trousers twice what they would need. Same thing goes for shorts, skirts, dresses ... in short, dressing up if you are short seems complicated but not really!
And anyway, if you wanted something "too short", it would be enough to follow Victoria Beckham's example that ok she is tall, but she has always made her clothes to measure!

3. They can mask crazy grit thanks to their portable Venus look

For decades we have been told that the dress does not make the monk and that a book is not judged by its cover, but it is also true that we do not have a second chance to make a new first impression. Those who think you are small and defenseless will naturally be willing to treat you as if you were actually one while, in reality, in those slightly contained measures, there is a tiger ready to show the world what it is capable of.
This, both in the workplace and in relationships, is not bad at all ...

4. They have no (large) space claims

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Do you know that you will have to share the single bed with someone, a "friend or a boyfriend? You also know that, with great probability, you will also be comfortable. The great thing about" travel size creatures "is that, not only do you always manage to get a bed , maybe on vacation when you have to decide the "who sleeps where", but despite everything you can also get by very well.
You find a way to nap on the plane, and we know very well how difficult it is to rest on low cost planes, you do not invade your neighbor's space when you are on the train and as a child your sister let you sleep on her legs during car journeys because she was lying down so much on the back seats he couldn't fit!

5. They are always in the front row in family photos (or they can hide in the second row)

Do you know the dramatic moment at your parents' silver wedding when an uncle shouts out the dreaded word PHOTO?
In this circumstance you have two possibilities: to earn the first row with dignity and refuse the crouched position because "I'm already small, with the hell I go down" or hide without restraint behind the second cousin, the one so tall that changes the light bulbs without ladder .
Not exactly what can be called "a bad life ..."

If you still believe that being short can be a problem, take a look at them: strong and beautiful women, despite their decidedly contained measures!

Tags:  Fashion Lifestyle Old-Luxury