Alkaline diet: lose weight and improve health. But it works?

The alkaline diet is a diet that aims on the one hand to lose weight and on the other to improve health. It is based on the distinction between acidic foods, to be avoided, and basic or alkaline foods, which instead are to be preferred. so to know these two types of foods. Did you know, for example, that lemon is not an acidic food? Foods can surprise us, just like those unsuspectedly rich in iron, look here:

Alkaline diet: what is it and how does it work?

The alkaline diet was conceived by naturopath and nutritionist Robert O. Young and is based on the idea that our body is a perfectly balanced machine, which we must help maintain through our diet. Let's talk about the acid-base balance of organic liquids of our body, specifically that of PH. But what does it mean? PH is the unit of measurement with which we understand if the body's fluids (including blood and urine) are acidic or basic. On a scale of 0 to 14, we will have:

  • Acid PH if the value is lower than 7
  • Alkaline (or basic) PH if it is higher than 7
  • PH neutral if it is 0

A very acidic blood pH situation, also called acidosis, can lead to a state of inflammation which leads to various pathologies. To avoid acidosis, the alkaline diet, through a correct diet based mainly on vegetables, should bring our body back to a slightly alkaline situation. We are therefore talking about a predominantly vegetarian diet which provides for about 80% of the intake. of alkaline foods and for the remaining 20% ​​acidic foods But how can we distinguish them?

See also

Alkaline Diet: How Does It Work? Pros and cons of a disputed diet

The 1200 calorie diet: to lose weight in a healthy way

Slimming herbal teas: the best to lose weight naturally


What are alkaline foods and which acidic foods to avoid?

The alkaline diet, compared to other diets, is based on a diet made up of alkalizing foods, with the presence of lots of fresh and dried vegetables and fruit, some cereals, legumes, nuts and oil seeds. But also essential fatty acids such as those present in "olive oil" and linseed. But which alkaline foods to prefer? Let's see them together:

  • cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, mushrooms
  • beetroot, beets, radishes, carrots, turnips
  • fennel, celery, cucumbers, lemons
  • grapes, apples, avocados
  • garlic, chilli, rosemary, sage
  • ginger, curry, cumin seeds and fennel
  • cereals: quinoa, amaranth, millet
  • alkaline or ionized water

Among the acidic foods to avoid, however, we have all the refined ones, heated in the microwave and containing sugars such as:

  • pasta and bread
  • cereals such as: wheat, spelled, rye, rice, barley and corn
  • dairy products and eggs
  • some legumes such as chickpeas and lentils
  • red meat, fish such as cod and salmon

In short, the alkaline diet is not a diet consisting only of vegetables or fruit, so we are not talking about vegetarian or vegan diets, but it tends to be, minimizing foods of animal origin, even in derivatives.


What to eat to alkalize the body?

After having seen the alkalizing foods, and the acidic ones to avoid, let's move on to get an "idea of ​​the alkaline menu. Because it is better to have a complete picture to understand what it means to approach diets of this type and to have information on what we can actually eat.

Here is an example of an alkalizing menu:

  • Breakfast: Lukewarm water and lemon + vegetable or fruit extract / Quinoa + vegetable milk and fresh fruit or dried fruit / Porridge with oat milk and berries
  • Lunch: salad with grains such as quinoa, fresh vegetables and extra virgin olive oil / Risotto with mushrooms or asparagus / Vegetable soup / Avocado and oilseed salad
  • Dinner: meatballs or burger with vegetables or legumes / Fish seasoned with lemon and oil + vegetables / Legume soup / Pumpkin soup / Roasted chicken with beets
  • Snacks: green tea, dried fruit or fresh fruit, fennel, celery

Benefits of the alkaline diet

The benefits associated with this diet are different and concern the well-being of the organism. According to the founder of the diet, Robert Young and his followers, the benefits are as follows:

  • reduce the level of acidity of the body, thus preventing inflammatory situations that can lead to various diseases, including cancer
  • lose weight, thanks to the elimination of sugars and animal fats
  • improve health by restoring the body's balance
  • have more energy, as this anti-acid diet is rich in minerals and vitamins

In fact, the scientific community has not recognized or approved this diet as it is not based, according to them, on any scientific basis. Therefore, you must always be sure of what you do when you want to change your diet, and first discuss with a dietician or nutritionist.

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