10 very simple things you can start doing right away to change your life for the better

It is sometimes thought that great efforts and sacrifices are required to achieve change, but this is not always the case.
There are small and simple things that we can implement right now and that can significantly improve our existence.

Which? These, for example.

1 - Trust yourself, always

Even when you're dealing with something that can make you feel vulnerable, like a job interview, think about your true worth and that whoever chooses you will be lucky to have you on their team.

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2 - Read the labels

And not just to understand how many calories what you are eating has, but above all to be aware of the ingredients. Health must never take a back seat and what we eat becomes part of us.

3 - Walk

At least 30 minutes a day. Not only to stay in shape, but above all because walking reduces the risk of cardiovascular problems, keeps diabetes and obesity away and also seems to contribute to warding off some types of cancer.

4 - Hide temptations

Research shows that keeping snacks, sweets, chips (and anything that shouldn't be eaten too often ...) in plain sight increases the temptation and intake of them. We're not saying you shouldn't have some understandable "food pampering" at home, just place it in a counter or pantry so it's not always in front of your eyes.

© wikihow

5 - Laugh more often

And complain less.It will be a good daily workout to give more space to positive, cheerful and funny things than boring, irritating and angry ones. Furthermore, complaining often appears to reduce our problem-solving skills and attitudes.

6 - Do one good deed a day

There is no need to explain why. Helping others, even in small things, does not just make them feel better but also ourselves. Whether it's taking groceries to your elderly neighbor or picking up a friend, these are good deeds that will make you better.

7 - Sleep

Do not underestimate the importance - for the body and the mind - of the right amount of sleep. Try not to sleep less than 7 hours (but not more than 9!) And, if you can, always go to bed at the same time. A good sleep? Many, including greater productivity, less stress, less risk of depression, more creativity and memory. We stop here, but there are many more ...

8 - Keep a diary

Does that sound like a teenage thing to you? It is not. Keeping a journal - not necessarily daily - of your emotions, thoughts, ideas or simple considerations is good for the mind and helps your reflexive and organizational skills.

9 - Learn to cook

Even if you're on your own and don't have to take anyone by the throat, learn to feed yourself carefully, lovingly, and genuinely. Frozen foods and ready-to-eat dishes can also go well every now and then, but not make them a philosophy of life. In the long run, the preservatives and additives present can have negative consequences for your health. Learn to cook fresh, seasonal foods for yourself.


10 - Don't care!

We are not advising you to become indifferent, cynical and insensitive, but just not to give too much importance to what others think of you and how they judge what you do. You can't please everyone. Take note and go on your way.

© boldomatic.com

See also:
Stronger and more beautiful: 10 tips and lifestyles to strengthen your immune system
8 false myths about psychiatric drugs
8 tricks to increase self-confidence

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