How to clean the leather sofa: the most effective strategies and grandmother's remedies

The leather sofa is a refined piece of furniture which, however, lends itself well to interpreting very different styles, also based on its shape and color. Read this article and find out how to take care of it and with which products it will return clean and shiny. The leather sofa is a truly fundamental piece, watch the video and choose the furniture style in which you want to insert it to make the house you dream of!

SOS! Do you need to clean your leather sofa? There is no need to call for help in despair to clean a sofa. You will see that some of our advice will help you to have clearer ideas and to take it more lightly. So tomorrow you can do this job with a smile on your face.

How to clean a leather sofa: all natural remedies

At home there are always furnishings or furniture whose cleanliness arouses perplexity and indecision, for fear of making a mistake in technique and ruining something precious or to which we are fond. Choosing how to clean a leather sofa is not one of the simplest chores, especially if it's your first time. In order not to damage your beautiful sofa and clean it without leaving stains or scratches on the leather, you must follow precise instructions.Sometimes a drop of coffee, a lipstick stain, or a ballpoint pen mark seems like irreparable trouble, especially if the sofa is in white or light-colored leather.

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But don't give up. The solution is at hand. First of all, remove the dust from the sofa with a soft cloth or cordless vacuum cleaner. You can also use a very soft bristle brush so as not to leave scratches and streaks on the leather of the sofa. The leather sofas, both white and colored , within a few years they become less brilliant and tend to deteriorate a little. To clean the sofa or remove stains from its surface, never use harsh soap. There are specific products on the market or you can use natural remedies, often with proven effectiveness, such as milk or vinegar. For example, pass a very soft cloth or a large piece of cotton wool over the entire leather of the sofa, after having dipped it and then squeezed it in skimmed milk or whatever you use to remove make-up from your face. After cleaning, wipe a new, damp microfiber cloth all over the sofa. Milk is also a very effective natural remedy for ballpoint pen marks and make-up stains. After passing it even once, you will immediately notice the difference: the sofa will immediately seem shiny and much cleaner. Another natural and effective home remedy is vinegar. If the vinegar acts on the stain for a few minutes and then wipes it with a wet cloth, the result will certainly be satisfactory. Here are the so-called "grandmother's remedies" that are cheap, always effective and above all ecological and therefore not harmful to man and the environment.

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How to clean a leather sofa: neutral soap and baking soda

Another method to clean a leather sofa is to wash it with water and very mild neutral soap: pour a little soap, such as Marseille liquid soap in half a liter of warm water and pass this cleaning solution on your sofa. with a dry cloth and then after cleaning with a soft wet sponge to completely eliminate the soap and clean it thoroughly. Finally, rinse the surface of the sofa and dab it with a dry and very soft cloth to dry it completely. If the stains don't go away, you can use baking soda. Apply it for about a quarter of a gold on the stained leather, where you have previously wiped a wet cloth. Remove the baking soda with a dry cloth and then wipe the entire surface with a well-dampened cloth. You will be surprised: your sofa looks brand new! Without resorting to an expert on the subject and without buying anything, you have managed to make your beloved sofa shine again and you are satisfied with it. So, you can try if it also works with the leather armchairs of the studio. By now you are sure of the techniques you have used and are not afraid to try your hand at another adventure.
White eraser is also an old system that works punctually, as long as it's soft and the leather cover is tough. Carefully erase the stain and then gently press a cotton swab on it, dabbing it. Do not rub too much, otherwise you run the risk of deteriorating the leather of the sofa. However, in most cases, the stains do not cause significant damage and, with the due attention, they can be removed without consequences.

See also: Furniture: total white trend

© Rafael Simoes Miranda Rafael Simoes Miranda white chair - 2010-2011 collection

How to clean leather sofa: prevention is better than cure

It is advisable to clean any furniture or leather object periodically, otherwise over time without any care, it ends up being irreparably damaged aesthetically. A deep cleaning should be carried out every 4 months on sofas and armchairs, so as not to take too much dirt and stains and not to make them age prematurely. Various specific products for natural leather or eco-leather are on sale in specialized stores and also online on Amazon. Before trying them on the entire surface of the sofa, as a precaution do a test with a small amount of product on a more hidden area of ​​the sofa, perhaps the back. The smoke and vapors from the stoves turn yellow and make leather sofas and armchairs opaque. Place them away from heat sources, such as radiators and the sun, so as not to dry out and crack the skin. Small traces of mold can be eliminated with alcohol and hot water. Even small quantities of beeswax are suitable for nourishing and polishing leather and eco-leather. The traces of ink that do not go away with the milk can be removed with special stain removers. Less safe are degreasers in spray form, which can discolor the skin, dehydrate it and dull it.

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