How to cure cellulite: useful tips to fight it and counteract its reappearance

Cellulite, as we know, is an often recurring thought for women. It affects many women, and this regardless of their weight: it certainly cannot be accused of not being democratic! But what exactly is cellulite? Let's try to discover it together, and then focus on a series of correct behaviors that can help us reduce and cure it.

Cellulite is a skin blemish that manifests itself with the well-known "orange peel" pitted appearance. The problem, however, concerns the underlying connective tissue: it is at this level that an accumulation of fat is created with an increase in the volume of fat cells. These accumulations are concentrated in specific areas such as thighs, hips and buttocks.

One of the causes of the formation of cellulite is linked to the action of estrogen, the female sex hormones (and it is also the reason why men, lucky them!, Do not suffer from it). Estrogen can promote fluid accumulation, and an increase of the volume of the adipose cells placed under the skin (the so-called "panniculus adipose"), which cause alterations in the skin microcirculation, thus leading to water retention and swelling of the tissue that highlight the typical orange peel appearance on the surface.

Here are some useful tips to stem this problem:

1. Drink lots of water (and a few carbonated drinks)

Drinking a lot is essential to treat cellulite, whose number one enemy is water retention. In fact, water has the power to revitalize the body, stimulating diuresis (and therefore the purification of toxins) and lymphatic circulation.

Drinking at least 1.5 liters of water a day should become a "healthy habit: in this way it promotes the elimination of waste, a factor that can promote the formation of cellulite.

On the other hand, carbonated drinks should be drastically reduced: they contain a very high quantity of sugars and chemicals that are harmful to our health, even in the "light" or "zero" versions. Refined sugar, in addition to making us fat, in turn promotes water retention, thus leading to the accumulation of liquids in the adipose tissue, with the consequent formation of cellulite.

See also

How to cure acne: all the remedies to fight it

Cellulite: the most frequent causes and the remedies to cure it

Edematous cellulite: causes, symptoms, prevention and remedies

2. Follow a "healthy and draining" diet

Among the causes of cellulite there is often an "unhealthy diet, low in fiber and rich instead of carbohydrates and lipids. Taking care of your diet can be a valid help against cellulite: it is not necessarily a question of reducing the amount of food, but simply to get used to preferring certain foods over others.

Let's start immediately with some food whose consumption should be drastically reduced. First of all, get rid of foods rich in fats and sugars such as fried foods, sweets (especially packaged ones) or cured meats. Salt should be avoided as much as possible and replaced with herbs or spices.

Reduce the use of oil and butter in the kitchen, preferring grilled or steamed cooking. Yes, instead, with extra virgin olive oil, but eaten raw.

What are the recommended foods? First of all, the foods richest in proteins (preferably from eggs or white meat): they help burn fat from adipose cells. Legumes also do well, because they are rich in iron, an ally of circulation and oxygenation of the blood. Yes to fish that contains Omega3, capable of extinguishing skin inflammations.

Then consume plenty of foods that contain potassium (an example? Dried fruit), a nutrient capable of stimulating lymphatic drainage. Vitamin C and vitamin P are also important for strengthening blood vessels and improving circulation: green light for kiwifruit, citrus and red fruits.

See also: Detox foods: foods for the detox diet

© iStock Detox foods: foods for the detox diet

3. Practice (suitable) sports consistently

Movement is very important against cellulite: it promotes circulation and improves skin elasticity. Exercising should be a healthy habit, starting with everyday life. When you can, walk instead of driving, go up the stairs to feet instead of taking the lift: these are small tricks, but your body won't stop thanking you.

Among the most suitable sports to combat cellulite there are first of all running and fast walking: practiced regularly they bring great benefits to the heart and, consequently, to the blood circulation.

Water sports are highly recommended, first of all free swimming, aquafitness and hydrobike: the resistance offered to the body by the water is excellent for toning, strengthening the muscles and the cardiovascular system. Furthermore, the water produces a real massage on the tissues. cutaneous, favoring the drainage of liquids and the elimination of toxins.

An excellent anti-cellulite sport is also kickboxing, which combines martial arts techniques with boxing, offering a useful workout to tone the legs, arms, buttocks and abdomen.

There are no sports in particular to avoid if you suffer from cellulite: the important thing is to carry out a physical activity that is low intensity and prolonged over time. High-intensity sports do not favor tissue drainage in the same way: if you want to practice them, always remember to have them followed by at least 10 minutes of active cool-down and some stretching. Recovery is necessary to repair the damage to the microcirculation caused from too intense activity.

4. Use an anti-cellulite cream

Acquiring a healthier lifestyle, with a correct diet and constant physical activity, is certainly good, but unfortunately it may not be enough against cellulite: it is important to introduce the use of a specific anti-cellulite cream into our routine.

Constantly applying a good product that helps us drain and act on retention and swelling, can undoubtedly help to intervene on skin imperfections.

Obviously, in these cases consistency is a fundamental aspect to be able to see results. Let's not forget that everything must be done in compliance with the previous indications, otherwise even the application of a good anti-cellulite cream is a completely useless and ineffective operation.

5. Spread the cream with an appropriate anti-cellulite massage

To maximize the effect of an anti-cellulite cream, it is very important to massage it correctly.

To massage the legs, start by spreading the cream starting from the ankle and going up to the groin. Massage the foot in circular motions. Then move on to wrap the leg entirely, always from the bottom up, exerting increasing pressure with each step. Concentrate on the calf by pinching the muscle, then stroke it along its entire length. Proceed in the same way with the femoral. So you get to the thigh: work the part to be massaged with your thumbs, continuing the upward movement towards the buttock, then go inside, rising with flat hands, exerting increasing pressure. Finally, work the quadriceps with pinching and circular movements.

To massage the buttocks, on the other hand, always spread the cream with circular movements, then place your hands in the lower part and proceed as if you would like to raise them alternately. Put one foot in front of you and pinch your buttocks and then proceed with more energetic massages.

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